How to Care for Your Partial Dentures

A partial denture is a dental appliance worn as a replacement for missing teeth. It is a dental restorative procedure done for both functional and aesthetic reasons.

A partial denture is a dental appliance worn as a replacement for missing teeth. It is a dental restorative procedure done for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Dentures are a common and affordable method worn to restore the form of one’s jaw if they are missing one or more teeth. If you are planning to wear dentures, especially for the first time, there are several challenges that you need to be aware of. However, once you are used to wearing them, dentures in Calgary can be a very effective and low cost solution while receiving almost the same benefits as more expensive dental restorative procedures. Simply make sure that you do your research and visit a well-reputed dental clinic near you with good testimonials from previous patients.

First of all, let us look at some of the uses and benefits that dentures offer. It is important to note that to achieve these benefits; you need to go to a clinic that provides the best quality dentures and not just any clinic you find when you search for dentures near you on the internet.

- Affordability

- Comfortable and feels natural

- Does not affect your speech

- Naturally improves your appearance

- Helps prevent teeth from moving due to the gap of missing teeth

- Reduces the potential to develop harmful oral conditions such as gum disease and tooth decay

- Helps avoid any changes of the jaw and facial structure due to missing teeth

Once you get your partial dentures, you need to properly care for them in order to increase their durability, and also for you to maintain good oral health. If you do not put the effort required to clean and care for your dentures, there is the risk of losing additional teeth, feeling discomfort, developing plaque that eventually leads to gum disease and other serious health diseases that come after.

How to Clean Your Partial Dentures Properly

There are two vital steps when it comes to accurately and completely cleaning your partial dentures. They are brushing and soaking. Both these steps are essential to clean any food particles and other debris that may accumulate on your dentures during the day and lead to bacteria buildup. Not cleaning your dentures well also causes issues such as bad breath and the irritation of gums as well.

Bushing your dentures

- Always use a soft bristled brush when you clean your dentures. This helps you clean all the surfaces properly without damaging them. Use warm water mixed with an anti-bacterial soap when you wash them. Do not use toothpaste to clean it since it can be too rough and sometimes stain the denture due to some chemicals included in toothpaste.

- Do not be too harsh on the surfaces when you clean the dentures since they can lose their shape, change the fit, and also break if you put too much pressure on them. A useful tip is to always clean them over a filled bowl of water, so in case your hand slips it will drop into the water and not on to a hard surface.

- Ideally, you need to remove your dentures and clean them properly after every meal. Make sure to use a good mouthwash to rinse your mouth properly after a meal if you are wearing dentures. 

Soaking your dentures

- Remove your partial dentures every night and soak them overnight in water or a special solution recommended by your Dental clinic in NE Calgary to remove any stains or other debris accumulated throughout the day.

- If you have metal braces, do not soak your dentures in water as it can damage the material over time. Instead, you can use a soaked cloth and a brush to clean them and store them in a dry place at night.

While you are wearing dentures, it is imperative to care for the rest of your teeth so that they are not subjected to tooth decay and other oral diseases. Make regular visits to a dentist in Calgary for checkups, and go that extra mile to take complete care of your remaining teeth.

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