Symantec Investigates Possible Leak of Norton AntiVirus Source Code

Symantec is investigating claims by a get-together of software engineers that they are in charge of source code for its (NAV) thing. 

The social affair, which utilizes the name "The Lords of Dharmaraja," cases to have taken Symantec source code and documentation from the workers of Indian information workplaces, close by shielded advancement from other programming associations that have contracts with the Indian government.

"Beginning at now we begin giving to all of our kin and fans information from the Indian Military Intelligence workers," the get-together said in a Pastebin post on Wednesday. "So far we incorporate discovered inside the Indian Spy Program source codes of twelve programming associations which have agreed to game plans with Indian TANCS program and CBI." 

The principal post has been deleted from Pastebin yet was up 'til now open in Google's store. It contains a draft chronicle portraying API (application programming interface) methodologies for Symantec's contamination definition age organization. 

As shown by Symantec, the spilled documentation returns to April 1999 and is never again critical for its current systems. 

"This chronicle explains how the item is planned to work (what data sources are recognized and what yields are made) and contains limit names, yet there is no veritable source code present," said Cris Paden, Symantec's positioning head of corporate trades.

"The information in the 1999 file has no bearing or impact on our current things, i.e., the information in the report can't be used to incapacitate or decline our current game plans," Paden included. 

The software engineers in like manner said that they are in charge of source code for Norton AntiVirus, which they expect to release soon. "We are working out mirrors beginning at now since we experience phenomenal weight and oversight from US and India government associations," the social affair said in their Pastebin post. 

To prove their case, The Lords of Dharmaraja made a second post on Pastebin with a posting of records probably contained in the Norton AntiVirus source code group. 

Symantec couldn't attest whether the record presenting analyzes its source code.

"A resulting case has been made by a comparative social occasion concerning additional source code and we're starting at now exploring that. For that one, we don't have any information to give beginning at yet," Paden said. 

It remains to be checked whether The Lords of Dharmaraja will release any veritable records and what version of Norton antivirus, expecting any, will be affected. If it's current enough, the code could possibly outfit malware writers with the learning needed to keep away from revelation and could give Symantec's opponents an inside explore the association's development. Read More>