increase your sales

5 important tips to increase your sales in 2020

It is common for companies to ignore the buying journey of their potential customers, regardless of the market in which they operate. They want to increase their sales but do not pay attention to the details that are indispensable for this.

This can trigger an increase in your CAC (Cost of Acquisition per Customer) and your cancellation fee, in addition to a totally unproductive and unmotivated team.

When you are in this stage, the chances of loss of credibility among already loyal customers and greater difficulty in winning new ones are great.

So how do you regain that trust and keep selling more? We have prepared 5 essential tips to help you achieve this goal.

We have already said that it will not be an easy task, but it is something totally possible to be achieved with discipline, persistence and resilience of the sales and marketing team.

So, continue this reading and follow our tips:

Structure your Lifecycle

The Lifecycle, or customer journey, is basically the maturation period of the lead to become a potential buyer, that is, a prospect.

For each stage, there is a specific action, which in addition to facilitating the life of the marketing and sales team, brings an easy measurement for future optimizations.

The customer's purchase journey consists of 7 steps:

1. Unknown

The lead finds its content through search engines like Google or YouTube. Here, the idea is to think about lead volume and then qualify them.

Why think about volume? Well, that way you will increase your organic ranking in search engines, which increases the likelihood that your persona will find you.

And for that, the idea is to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies in your articles and on social networks so that your content is viewed by those who are really interested in it.

2. Visitor

At this stage, you have a recurring visitor to your site, but this is no time to relax. Always try to maintain a frequency in your posts, bringing wealth and relevance to the content.

Invest in materials that your persona is attracted to. Always use CTA's (call to action) to call for action and assist with follow-up.

3. Lead

Once you convert that visitor to a lead, you will need to maintain your authority in the segment in which you operate. So bring solutions to your lead and change your team's mindset in addition to converting sales.

The art of selling goes far beyond conversion. So, continue to nurture your prospect with materials like ebook, webinars and in-depth articles. Also, use landing pages and focus on being a reference in your market.

4. Suspect

Someone who downloaded some material on your site like a spreadsheet, for example or someone who is a recurring visitor to your blog is a suspect. This means that you are a potential customer.

At this stage, the objective is not to sell but to investigate what the user's needs and demands are. Here, it will be necessary for your pre-sales team, Sales Representative, to contact him and try to understand the interest in the content that your blog offers.

5. Prospect

At this point, you know a little more about the person's pains, but you are not entirely sure if they are really focused on solving your demand, that is, converting. Therefore, she is a prospect.

To achieve reaching the final goal, consider using framework tools like Spin Selling and GPCTBA, CI.

6. Customer

Congratulations! You managed to fulfil all the steps to the letter and won your customer. From now on, the focus is on fulfilling everything you promised, otherwise, you will suffer the famous "churn", which is popularly known as cancelling a product/service.

Exceed your client's expectations, even more, make sure he is always satisfied with your solution, seek to improve your relationship with him and offer exclusivity.

7. Evangelizer

If all steps are followed and strictly followed, you will have evangelizers, that is, fans of your brand. With them, it is very likely that your business will be indicated to other people, receive feedback and improvement ideas.

Remember: the customer is always the focus.

Invest in your team and your inactive customers

Many companies lose big business due to lack of staff experience. What's more, even after building an effective team, they forget about those customers who churned back there.

But is it a good alternative to invest in these inactive users?

Surely the answer is yes! Just recover contact with them and show the evolution of the service or product. Certainly, you will reap good results. And how will you achieve this result?

Just invest in your team, whether in training, travel or awards. An excellent action to apply is Incentive Marketing, which in addition to generating value in personal life also brings gains to professional life.

Then, seek to qualify your salespeople and create goal programs for recovering inactive customers.

Sell more to the same customer

This strategy is one of the most used by large companies to increase their revenue. The challenge is to increase your average ticket and decrease your CAC, but with customers who are already in your base. And, for that, you need to know these two terms:

  • Cross-selling: Offering your loyal customers, services or products that are complementary to those that have already been or are to be acquired.
  • Up-selling: Offer your customers the most expensive products, known as Premium. But in return, there is a better return on the service or product.

Before offering a more expensive service or a product complementary to the one already purchased, it is necessary to validate the positive and negative consequences that they will bring to it, which avoids future headaches.

Look for alternatives that will add value to your client.

Invest in your Marketing team

Many companies forget that marketing is essential for both large and small businesses. What we can conclude is that there is no point in having a team of excellent salespeople, an incredible product or service, if people do not buy. So, pay attention to these tips:

  • Create a marketing plan;
  • Segment your audience;
  • Invest in boosting and co-marketing;

Campaigns that are well designed have satisfactory and long-term results. So, try to segment your target audience when investing in paid media, for example, and make strategic partnerships through co-marketing (guest post, ebooks and other materials).

Adopt a CRM solution

The term CRM or Customer Relationship Management is software that manages the relationship with the customer.

A good CRM combines technology and methodology to obtain great results in your sales. And, for that, your sales team has to know how to use the solution and apply the techniques in your business process.

CRM centralizes and manages customer information, whether marketing or sales, in addition to providing greater agility in operational tasks. Thus, the productivity of your pre and post-sales team increases considerably.

Know the main advantages when implementing a CRM:

  • Increase in productivity;
  • Increase in the average ticket;
  • Increased assertiveness;
  • Decreased sales time;
  • Better relationship with the client;
  • Resource optimization;
  • Information integration;
  • Ease of decision making.

It takes a series of strategies to make your lead become a customer and, even better, an evangelizer for your brand.

When you get to that point, the chances of leveraging your sales are pretty high, since you already have a deep understanding of the user.

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