Northmount Dental Care

Looking For The Best Dentist in Calgary?

If are you looking for a reliable dentist in Calgary. Once you’ve made the initial investment, you can sit back worry free and cost free, which works out much better for you in the long run, making dental implants in Calgary

Your mouth is the gateway to pretty much everything in life. Food and drink are life sustaining and the smile you present to the world makes a huge impact on your career and social life. Also, more and more research now supports that your oral health affects the rest of your body and many functions within your body affect your mouth. With all of these critical factors, it’s easy to see that your dentist is one of the most important members of your health care team, therefore you should be looking for the best dentist in Calgary, not just the closest office to your home or office.

When you are looking for the best dentist in Calgary, there are some key factors to look for. The basics include a convenient location, friendly staff and policies, hours and services that meet your needs, but if you want a truly great dentist, there are many other important things to look for. These include:

1. Versatility - In order to find the best dentist in Calgary for your family, you’ll want a dentist that has the versatility to work with small children, teens, adults and seniors. Throughout your lives, your family members will each reach these milestones and the dental care and treatments you need will change as you grow and age. Look for a dentist that has the ability and experience to work with your family members in each stage of their lives.

2. Additional training & expertise - On a similar note, look for a dentist that has continued to upgrade their training and knowledge, therefore gaining additional expertise in specific dental disciplines. These may include pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics and much more.

3. Holistic approach - As research continues to support that the health of our mouths and bodies are intertwined, it will become more important to work with a dentist that takes a holistic approach to managing your oral care as it relates to the rest of your body. Ensure that the dentist in Calgary that you choose takes the time to understand your health, daily habits and any concerns you may have that will affect your dental health. 

4. Minimally invasive treatment - Research also continues to demonstrate that less is more when it comes to dental care. While fillings, root canals and much more are very necessary treatments in the right circumstance, your dentist should always be looking for the least invasive way to help your teeth and mouth remain healthy, even if that means charging you less.

When looking for the best dentist in Calgary, be sure to dig a little deeper to find the right one. Set up a meet and greet with the dentist and ask a lot of questions to understand not just the mechanics of their care, but also the philosophy behind their care approach. Find out what their professional values and beliefs are and how that will affect the level of care you and your family receive. This is the best way to find a great dentist in Calgary that will fit your needs and be that crucial part of your healthcare team.


Why Dental Implants Are Superior to Any Other Tooth Replacement Option

When you lose a tooth, it can have a life-changing impact on your smile. Missing teeth can also significantly increase your risk of oral health problems, ranging in severity from gum disease and tooth decay to jaw bone loss.

Fortunately, you can solve all of these problems by choosing dental implants from a Calgary dentist. Here’s more detail on the reasons we feel dental implants are the restoration of choice when it comes to replacing missing teeth.

Keep Teeth in Place – When gaps are left between, teeth begin to shift but dental implants will keep teeth in their proper place. 

Plus, they often require repair and replacement, so though dental implants in Calgary costs are initially higher, dentures eventually need more costly care.

Both can cause pricey dental problems, making the higher cost of dental implants in Calgary more economical in the end.

Dental implants are costly and require a considerable amount of healing time and dental visits. For these reasons, many patients consider easier alternatives, but most decide on dental implants in Calgary because they are truly the best option. Dental implants are secure, permanent and function just like your normal teeth. Not only does this make them more convenient and comfortable, but it also helps to preserve your jawbone, your bite and the structure of your teeth, as well as maintaining a more youthful appearance. Your confidence in how you look, speak and how your teeth move is well worth the additional upfront cost and time commitment.

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