sleep meditation

Sleep Meditation – Natural Way To Deep Sleep

Sleep meditation is the best way for you to relax your mind, body, and spirit. The practice of sleep meditation keeps your conscious mind awake and alert whereas in deep sleep your subconscious mind takes over. However, sleep meditation offers you the best form of sleep therapy.

If you find it hard to get some deep sleep at night after a tiring day at work maybe it is time to try sleep meditation. Sleep meditation helps you enter the state between sleeping and being awake. In other words, you are doing what is known as yogic sleep to help your body relax physically while keeping your mind alert.

Sleep meditation is the best way for you to relax your mind, body, and spirit. The practice of sleep meditation keeps your conscious mind awake and alert whereas in deep sleep your subconscious mind takes over. However, sleep meditation offers you the best form of sleep therapy.

With that said, let us look in-depth at this wonderful and relaxing yogic technique that lets you enjoy deep sleep at night.

3  Sleep Meditation Techniques

Given below are three main techniques of sleep meditation to help you relax your body and mind.

1. Mindfulness Meditation

A popular method of sleep meditation is mindfulness meditation. This simply requires you to pay attention to your environment. Mindfulness meditation may appear to be a bit simple but putting this technique into practice makes all the difference.

2. Guided Meditation

One of the best sleep meditation techniques is guided meditation for sleep. This technique requires the guidance of a highly skilled meditation teacher. The teacher might ask you to relax your toes and legs or to inhale deeply.

Guided meditation for sleep also makes use of imagery and visuals which the teacher might ask you to create in your mind.

3. Affirmation Meditation

Affirmation meditation is the same as mindfulness meditation. It requires your single-pointed attention. As the name suggests, this sleep meditation technique asks you to replace all distractions with positive self-affirmations.

With that said, let us check out some of the benefits of these sleep meditation techniques.

Benefits of Sleep Meditation Techniques

Meditation before sleeping does not function like a switch in which you turn off and go to sleep. However, including these sleep meditation techniques in your life is the best tool for overall well-being and excellent health.

Given below are three major benefits of the different sleep meditation techniques.

1. Minimizes Stress

In this time of never-ending responsibilities and stress, getting a deep good night's sleep helps a lot. Meditation calms down your overactive mind and helps you develop an inner sense of calm and peace.

2. Activates Relaxation Response System

The sleep meditation techniques above are highly beneficial when it comes to bringing your mind's attention to the present moment. Meditation activates the relaxation response system in your body which helps you fall asleep at night.

Meditation for sleep provides your body with a host of physiological changes like lower heart rate, controlled breathing, and improved Melatonin levels in your body.

3. Completely Safe

In comparison to the pharmaceuticals which medical professionals recommend to help you fall asleep at night meditation for sleep provides you a long-term solution. Moreover, it is a safe and natural way for you to enjoy deep sleep at night.


An unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are most to blame for the lack of sleep on a regular basis. However, you can include the sleep meditation techniques mentioned above in your daily routine that will help you get rid of this issue the natural way.

Read More:- Chakra Meditation Vs Transcendental Meditation - The Difference

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