Effect of Augmented Reality and the New Developments in Android Game Development

The latest scenario of the Google Play Store is saturated with many games that range from simple to complex. Mobile gaming has come a very long way since the introduction of simple games such as Snakes and Ping-Pong


The latest scenario of the Google Play Store is saturated with many games that range from simple to complex. Mobile gaming has come a very long way since the introduction of simple games such as Snakes and Ping-Pong. Mobile processor and the graphics are now as powerful as desktop computers, and now the platform provides access to thousands of games.


Augmented reality revolutionized visual data through holographic optical technology. The ultimate goal is to make the world a more sophisticated and interactive. Even many mobile app development companies in Mumbai also will implement game features, he has the power to change the model and 3D video becomes a reality. Virtual Reality determines the high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interaction. 


This makes the platform easy to connect with a virtual environment where users can feel the space created digitally. Therefore, they immediately get popular these days, and the expansion of AR and VR gadgets now offer breakthrough technology that works as an extension to mobile capabilities.


Android application developers are trying to create AR games exciting and particularly for enterprise applications company and tend to provide services such as Motion Sensing Games for Android game development. By integrating human perception with technology, mobile app development companies help users gain real-life experience thrilling in a virtual environment.



Interest AR and VR in Game Development


Augmented Reality is a sophisticated and interactive way that transforms objects such as 3D modeling and video into a 3D environment. In the process of game development, this medium provides the most advanced games with enhanced visual graphics and sound effects. Augmented Reality game creates an exciting experience as people like F1 racing car. Go recent launch of Pokémon that uses augmented reality, with the help of GPS and location features are specific testimony AR capabilities in the mobile world.


Because there was an increase of mobile devices in our daily lives, more than half of these users have an Android, Windows or iOS device, where Augmented Reality is literally in our hands through this application AR and VR. With a wearable device, it will not be strange to see people interact with and react to things that are very different from regular applications.


Most companies specialize their genre of content AR / VR in the categories indicated:


  • games action
  • Racing Games
  • board game
  • play a role
  • casual games
  • Arcade Game
  • sports games
  • Game strategy
  • educational games
  • multiplayer Game


Benefits of Augmented Reality SDK for smartphones


  • Offers developers the creative space to create the best results in its class
  • It offers unmatched reliability
  • It produces advanced vision
  • Supports a variety of 2D and 3D models and games
  • With the virtual keypad, the motion detection feature
  • AR services we support the development of the native Android games for iOS and Android
  • We adhere to the ideal matching of images, the position and orientation, and standard physical rendering of the world


Measures for Android game developers to follow to develop VR AR Android game



Do not give up if you've put in a lot of time and effort into your application and hit a roadblock. This is just an obstacle, and random bugs are present sometimes, so do not give up. Keep it going and see it through to figure out a way to complete the project successfully.


Make something different from the original that is not in tune with the trend of the market so you can make more money from it. Always you can see that the original game has been a tremendous success.


 If you copy another person, you might make some money from the game, but you will not be hit. This is a great thing to create something that no one else had been released rather than take credit for something you did not initially make.


Seeing the current trends in the market, simple concepts in a game that is highly addictive and popular. They provide unlimited replay value while complicated games difficult for new users to find out. So, make a relatively simple game and after a few levels make the games a little more complicated to keep the interest alive.


Beta testing is the most important step in the development of the game. Always go to the concept of a third party, such as a friend or relative to test your application. Try to develop as many as test cases in the application by going to the hardcoded path. So, get someone to use your gaming app for a while will give better results in the future that would be beneficial for your product. The design was such that as perfect as possible before going for the final release.




Jump into the world of mobile game development trends in AR and VR is not an easy task. It requires a lot of research and expertise to make great games. This is an exciting time for VR as a driving force behind the new technology regarding motion tracking, motion sensors, optics, display, and creativity.



The future generations will be forced developers to port existing titles and come up with new ways of exciting to interact with mobile devices. This sensor is automatically combined with AR and VR can bring new experiences to gamers and even gives a user-friendly way that people can enjoy. Of course, augmented reality will have the edge due to a combination of the real world and simulated to create the elements of the social game easier. Therefore, an important aspect of mobile games that provide a graphical combination with a well thought through virtual reality experience.

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If you are looking for the best mobile app development company in Kuwait reach us at sales@dxminds.com


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