bullet club shirt

How to look amazing this summer

It's difficult to know what to wear for the season, particularly with so many choices. Follow our men's summer fashion tips to avoid going overboard and have choices for every day (while remaining on a budget!). Use our tips to improve your style this summer, get a few compliments, and discover your new favorite styles. With the aid of our hot list, you'll be ready for any beach day.

Tips to look amazing these summers:

Dress up while dressing down:

Keeping a business-casual look during the hot summer months can be difficult, so it's vital to find outfits that strike a balance between comfort and appropriateness. The good news is that there are plenty of choices for nailing this — even on a shoestring budget! You can find professional brands at consigned men's summer essentials at rates that might tempt you to buy a few at a time. Bullet club t-shirts are best for summers. Let's start with the bottoms: Dark khaki shorts or trousers, depending on the occasion, are a decent option. Men's khaki shorts and pants are a must-have because they can dress up or down any outfit and go with just about everything. Pair with bullet club t-shirt or long sleeve shirts with your choice of trousers or shorts. Don't forget to roll up your long-sleeve button-ups for extra elegance.

Invest in Birkenstocks:

Birkenstocks have been popular for a long time, and they'll be back in style this summer — and we're here for it! For guys who don't like flip-flops but don't want to wear stuffy closed-toe shoes all season, Birkenstocks are a great option. Birkenstocks are ideal for errands, beach days, picnics, and the occasional backyard football game because they are comfortable and easy to slip on and off. Birkenstocks, unlike fast-fashion shoes, that only last a season or two at most, are a timeless staple that will last for years. They're a pair of stylish walking shoes that you'll want to wear again and again. If you look after your Birks, they'll last a lifetime.

Have dressy go-to sneakers:

Sneakers are fast becoming a must-have for men's fashion in 2019. Although sneakers aren't typically thought of as "dressy," a neutral-toned sneaker gives any business-casual outfit a fun but professional look. Our recommendation is to find one or two pairs of shoes. Consider going all-white, mesh-grey, or black and white. The trick is to find a pair that you can easily match with all of your outfits, so you always have a fashionable choice for sneakers. A pair of shoes It's an ultimate sneaker style guide for the hot season, in my opinion. We see many models, bloggers, and fashion editors wearing trendy runners in the streets during the summer months, so sandals aren't the only choice.

Look for festive swimwear with an eye-catching design: 

There are many thrilling and eye-catching swimwear choices for men these days. Guys are fortunate that swim trunks can be worn as a trendy pair of shorts when not in use. It's less expensive and takes up less room in the wardrobe. Swim shorts are a hot trend in 2019 men's summer fashion — and there are plenty of choices! Choose a few swim trunks with fun designs and a few that can be worn as casual (and comfortable) shorts in neutral colors like pale pink and light blue.

Go bold with eccentric pattern and comfy shorts: 

Look for pineapples or other fun designs on tees, polos, or shorts, something with a little pizazz but not too much. Uniquely designed clothing lets you show off your personality and can be a perfect conversation starter for a nerve-wracking case. Avoid choosing pieces with too much going on if you want to keep it subtle and fun. Look for a bullet club t-shirt or a pair of shorts in a neutral color with a basic style. There are a variety of brands that give athletic shorts a business-casual vibe. Consider golf shorts that have been given a makeover! They're usually made of lightweight materials to keep you cool on hot days, and they're available in a variety of neutral colors that go with any bullet club t-shirt.

Choose slim over baggy:

Leave the baggy clothes at home this summer and go for fitted looks that are neither too loose nor too baggy. Choose clothes that suit your body type and don't hang to keep on-trend. Keep these tips in mind if you're going for an athletic look or a relaxed evening outfit. If you're having trouble finding the perfect match, doesn't be afraid to ask a friendly store employee for assistance or bring a few friends along for a second opinion.


Summer has arrived, but that doesn't mean you have to abandon your sense of style. All you have to do is be fashionable when wearing fewer garments. And now that you know how to dress for summer weather, you can do it with ease. I can't guarantee you won't sweat, but if you invest in the right fabrics, wear the right colors, and keep your outfits summer-appropriate, you won't feel suffocated.


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