Sell Your Home Fast - Preparing a Used House For Sale In Nigeria

From the point of view of the inspector of the house there is always a very different approach to the meaning of this title phrase from the position of the seller

From the point of view of the inspector of the house there is always a very different approach to the meaning of this title phrase from the position of the seller. And for a very simple reason - "we" (the owners) tend to forget about the areas in our homes that do not (at the least not immediately) impact our daily routines. During the time we do not feel the dramatic changes in our environment, everything is supposed to be good. Adjust and realize small, incremental changes, and because during the years of living in the house, which was decorated (and out) to please our personal senses, we think that everything is in good shape, and the property sold quickly, simply because "we" love it so much.


And this approach, or rather this natural human behavior, worked perfectly in recent years. Unfortunately for sellers, the real estate market is currently unstable, preparing your used House For Sale in nigeria might need that extra ingredient to help successfully complete the entire transaction.


In recent months, I have had several clients using my inspection services 2 or 3 times each (if it had never happened that often during my 10 years of being in this business). I'm not sure whether sellers of all those properties searched online selling tips home, or prepare their homes for the sales pattern, but if you only look at those houses appeal, most of them were practically ready for move- in : clean, de-cluttered, depersonalized (so the buyer could easily imagine himself as the owner), reorganized, with perfect curb appeal ... however, that has not been sold. Why?


- Because the focus of today's buyers market (at the least my clients) changed drastically, they seem more interested in what they can not see (behind the wall and floor) forming perfectly your home has been arranged or how clean it is.


- Because the sellers did not review, heavily contaminated with black mold area of ​​the attic and crawlspace.


Do not misunderstand me - called "staging" or "house dressing" (preparing your house cosmetically so it is better appeal to the widest number of potential buyers) remains very important, which is the bait! And that first impression can give you the signature on a contract, but if your potential buyer brings a home inspector that the firm could start fading extremely fast. You can, of course, keep gambling, because not all hires a home inspector buyers, but if it does, it may already be too late to save the deal.


Would not it be better to check some critical items before putting a property on the market? - recognition of the main problems is simple and you can do it yourself, or have a friend checking it. What could be achieved, for just a few minutes of your time, you avoid a lot of frustration, irritation, and finally an agreement canceled. If you have a critical problem, it is much better to be careful before listing your property for sale, and even add credibility to your offer, providing a buyer with warranty papers repairs made. During negotiations, often they end up paying much more for the repair, since it is driven by emotions, time constraints, and who just want to get it over with. And even if you fix it, he simply deal may fall through - buyers confidence often loose sellers because according to the disclosure should not be any problems discovered during the inspection of the house (at this point it does not matter If the buyer really do not know about the problem).



Most problems usually critical and costly to correct are: mold, roofs, cracked / leaking bases, and heating systems.


1. For the heating system of the house, it would be a good idea to have it checked and certified by a licensed HVAC contractor. What you can offer a potential buyer with proof of such service (make sure it is recent).


2. Cracked / leaking foundation - do not mark the disclosure sheet that you know nothing of the respect, unless you are sure it is not leaking. Just take a walk outside and the inside foundation, look for cracks and stains / discoloration on finished walls along the base. Is a mental approach - many buyers are afraid of cracked foundations, they do not know if a crack, however small it could become a disaster in the future. As a seller, you are not in a position to make such a guarantee. However, the scenario changes if you hire a professional (which is a good idea to use an established company such as waterproofing the United States or seal Perma) and submit to the buyer warranty documentation - responsibility for foundation status ends switching to the hired contractor (this works for each type of repair, as long as you can provide sufficient paperwork, and believe me, it makes the buyer happy).


3. crawlspaces - most of the time, is not a nice place to visit but are often responsible for many surprises. If you have never been there and is selling a house with one underneath - shine your light under the ground, and at least make sure it is dry, well ventilated and no leaking pipes.


4. Mold - again, check the attic; the critical areas are usually located above the bathrooms and bedrooms. Lack of ventilation in the attic or inadequate is the most common cause. Check the foundation surface for moisture and stains or growth of any kind, look inside the basement closets, cabinets on exterior walls, or other poorly ventilated area.

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