Invisalign Braces

What Happens if You don’t Wear Invisalign for a Week?

Invisalign users who wear Invisalign for less than 22 hours daily usually experience a slower result. Missing out a couple of hours on wearing Invisalign may not affect the progress of your treatment, but missing out a week can have serious consequences.

Invisalign gives a unique luxury that most teeth straightening options do not provide — comfort. Invisalign is very comfortable and people who use it, love that they can remove their aligners for a short period every day to eat, brush and floss plus it is ok to remove it for the special occasions like birthdays, weddings or wedding ceremony.

However, Invisalign requires self-discipline and compliance for it to work effectively. Invisalign users who wear Invisalign for less than 22 hours daily usually experience a slower result. Missing out a couple of hours on wearing Invisalign may not affect the progress of your treatment, but missing out a week can have serious consequences. If for one reason or another you do not wear your Invisalign for the prescribed number of hours by your orthodontist and probably wear them back after a week, they may not fit in properly when you do so because Invisalign trays are custom made to be worn for 22 – 23 hours a day.

What to expect if you didn’t wear your Invisalign trays?

Most times, young Invisalign patients find it tempting and easy to leave their Invisalign trays out for longer than the recommended hours. Some people think it doesn’t change anything, and there are no negative effects when they take breaks from wearing their Invisalign trays.

The truth is inconsistent use of Invisalign will cause relapse as your teeth would slowly begin to shift back to their old position. The degree of relapse for each patient is different but there are simple ways to help improve your Invisalign treatment even when you have missed out on your treatment for a long time.

How to put your Invisalign back in if you haven’t worn them for a long time

If you took out your Invisalign for about a week, trying to put them back in may be difficult. Invisalign trays are made to fit over the teeth easily, so it is important never to try to force them in.

If your trays do not seem to fit, try fitting in the part that is least resistant. Using a mirror, insert the aligner on one side of your mouth. If that side easily fits, then try fitting on the other side. This may involve several trials and error but if this makes you feel uncomfortable or you experience a lot of difficulty fitting in the aligner, you need to try out another option.

Try the previous Invisalign aligner tray

If fitting in your current aligner causes too much discomfort or is simply impossible, the older tray would most likely fit comfortably. The old tray would help your orthodontic treatment get back on track but it may take a few weeks for your teeth to move back to their correct position

Consult your dentist

You may also need to book a free consultation for Invisalign in London to find out if your treatment plan has been affected by not wearing your aligners for about a week. Your Invisalign provider may need to carry out a mid-course adjustment if your original plan has been affected because a week’s holiday away from your aligners can delay your treatment for about a month.

Not wearing your Invisalign aligners is usually not helpful and the best way to ensure your investment in getting straighter teeth and beautiful smile is to follow your dentist's instructions concerning the number of days and hours to wear your Invisalign trays.

Invisalign and its different variants are undoubtedly the most patient-friendly orthodontic treatments, but one has to be completely committed to getting the best out of the treatment.





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