Social Media Marketing, Agency

How Can A Social Media Marketing Agency Help A Business Grow?

Explore the best Social Media Marketing Agency in Calgary, Canada. Social media also builds community around your brand, allowing you to personalize your business and pay customers by increasing your profile.

When you are a small business that is trying to grow, social media is one of your most beneficial tools to get there. Social media allows your company to connect directly with a targeted audience that is interested in what you have to sell. You can use focused efforts to reach those who are your ideal customers and provide important content to move them through the sales process before they ever talk to a live person. Social media options also allow a company to leverage free and/or low cost tools to automate parts of the initial sales process to cut down on manual work, freeing up time for yourself and your team to focus on closing sales and supporting your customers. When customers are well supported during and after the sale, they are more likely to refer friends and become advocates for your products and services and we all know that referrals are the most cost effective and beneficial way to grow your company!


The world of social media is huge. There are so many options - so many ways to do it right and so many ways to do it wrong. Most small businesses understand the importance of social media, but lack the time and expertise to truly do it well enough to drive real growth. Hiring a social media marketing agency is one of the best ways to maximize the opportunities social media presents and it’s one of the best investments you can make to help your business grow.


Social media marketing agencies have the expertise to know exactly who you should be targeting, where to find your ideal customer and what content will work best to convert them to a sale and into an advocate that will refer your company to their friends, family and colleagues.


They know the platforms intimately and can optimize your profiles, customer outreach, advertising and even the hashtags you use. Every social media platform is different, has different rules, algorithms and audiences. It can take years to learn all of these ins and outs and they change constantly which makes the expertise of a social media marketing agency even more important.


Many of the social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram, offer tools that allow you to automate responses and to provide answers to frequently asked questions. By meeting your customers where they are at and giving instant responses to their initial queries, you can move through the very early steps with customers to help them, and you, determine if they are a qualified prospect or not. This first step towards becoming your customer is so important and leaves a lasting impression on a potential or new client so its very important that it’s done well. Leveraging automation tools directly on social media platforms is a crucial step that many companies need support to set up properly.


Automation is also available on the advertising and sales side of some social media platforms. Once you have a good handle on what social advertising works for your brand, you can use their tools to automate and adjust ads as needed, allowing the algorithm to truly work for you.


Lastly, social media platforms also allow small businesses to make sales directly on the platform with no need to ever even hit your website or a search engine, which dramatically reduces the chances of a cart being abandoned or a customer moving on to a competitor. Using social media as an e-commerce tool is becoming more and more in demand so it’s critical to get it set up well and maximizing sales opportunities.


Overall, working with a social media marketing company is the best way to help a business grow. The options are endless and there’s a platform for every possible target audience, so working with experts is the best way to go. From finding your audience, to creating the right content to attract them to a conversion to maximizing automation and sales tools, social media marketing agencies can help you set your business up for success. Let’s talk today about how Digital Monk can leverage our social media marketing expertise to grow your business!

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