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Top 5 bedtime stretching tips to get a sound sleep

Not able to sleep properly? Struggling with an irregular sleeping pattern? Well, you really do not need to panic as this has really become very common these days.

Not able to sleep properly? Struggling with an irregular sleeping pattern? Well, you really do not need to panic as this has really become very common these days. It is all because of all the stress that the people have now got included in their lifestyles. 

But staying up all night or twisting and turning in your bed restlessly just waiting for the sound sleep to embrace you somehow is not the solution. If in case you are unable to figure out a solution then here we are to provide you with the guidance as per the suggestions of the experts or we should say the Yoga experts. Well, yes Yoga has been an unmatched solution for a lot of issues related to human health so; obviously, it has something in its treasure for the people dealing with sleep disorders too. So, here we will focus our discussion on all the various stretching yoga positions that one can try, to catch a good sleep for the night.

The different stretching positions that one can try for getting a sound sleep are all given below with a detailed description of the way they are to be performed:

Child’s Pose:  The steps that one should take to perform this are as follows:

  • The person will have to kneel on the mat. 
  • The knees hip-width apart and the feet together at the back. 
  • The person should then try to stretch the neck and the spine by drawing the ribs away from the tailbone and the crown of the head should be away from the shoulders. 
  • The person should then rest its forehead on the ground and the arms should be extended in the front.
  • The person should hold on to that position for 30-60 seconds. 

Thread the Needle:  The steps that one should follow to perform this are as follows:

  • With hands under the shoulders, the person needs to start this on all fours and hips should be over the knees. 
  • The right arm should be taken underneath across the body with palm facing up.
  • The person should bend the left elbow and should gently lean into the right side.
  • The person would feel the stretch in the back of the right shoulder.
  • The person should hold in that position for 30 seconds. 

Sphinx Pose:  The steps that one should follow to perform this are as follows:

  • The person needs to lie on the stomach with legs straight behind. 
  • The elbows should be placed under the shoulders the forearms should be on the floor as the chest lifts up from the floor. 
  • Hips and thighs should be pressed into the floor and the person should then lengthen the spine and the shoulder should then be left for relaxing.
  • The person should then sit up, just to take the feel of a nice stretch in the back. 
  • The person should stop then and there if it feels any discomfort or pain.
  • The person should hold the position for 30- 60 seconds.

Knee to chest stretch: The steps that one should follow to perform this are as follows:

  • The person needs to lie on the back with both hands extended. 
  • The right knee should be pulled into the chest, the left leg should be kept straight and the lower back should be pressed into the floor. 
  • The position should be held for 30 seconds and the procedure should be repeated on the other side. 

Supine Twist:  The steps that one should follow to perform this are as follows:

  • The person should lie on the back and should hug the knees into the chest. 
  • Both the knees should be dropped on one side and the torso should be twisted in the opposite direction.
  • The hips and knees should be kept in line with each other as they are drawn towards the floor.
  • The chest should be kept in square to the ceiling as much as possible. 
  • The position should be held for 30 seconds.

But all of these Yoga positions, exercises will only be of help if the person would be using the right mattress on his bed, for that the person should search for the best mattress near me, and should get the mattress on the bed changed into one that would provide total comfort to the back as well as to the whole body of the person. Changing the mattress on which one sleeps makes a lot of difference in the sleep cycle of the person in many ways most of them are not  


The sleep cycle of a person is affected not by one but many factors, such as one should be using the best mattresses in Faridabad, for sleeping purposes. Also, all or at least some out of those all the Yoga positions that have been discussed above should be taken into account by people on a regular basis.  


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