Holistic doctor

Ten Useful Tips On How To Sleep Well Every Night

A good night’s sleep can do wonders for a person’s mind and body. It allows the body to repair itself and refreshes the mind. A lack of sleep causes many problems like high blood pressure, memory issues, poor balance, etc. It’s why a functional medicine doctor in Denver often asks their patients about how much sleep they get.

A good night’s sleep can do wonders for a person’s mind and body. It allows the body to repair itself and refreshes the mind. A lack of sleep causes many problems like high blood pressure, memory issues, poor balance, etc. It’s why a functional medicine doctor in Denver often asks their patients about how much sleep they get.

The exact amount of sleep depends on one’s age. Seven to nine hours of sleep is necessary for a healthy person in their adulthood. Babies, children and teenagers need more sleep to develop while senior citizens need at least seven hours. The quality of sleep also affects how refreshed you feel when you wake up. Here’s how you can sleep well every night:

Set A Sleep Schedule

It’s hard to get used to a sleep routine if you sleep and wake at different times every day. You should set a time to fall asleep and wake up. Stick to the schedule, even on weekends and holidays so that your body gets used to it.

Get Tired

Not falling asleep immediately can be frustrating. If you don’t doze off within twenty minutes from the set time, get up and do something relaxing like meditation. Hit the hay when you feel drowsy. This can also be helpful if you wake up in the middle of the night instead of watching the clock.

Make Your Bedroom Cozy

A cozy bedroom can help you fall asleep sooner. Set your thermostat to a cool temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s easier to doze off when the air is cool. If your mattress is older than ten years, replace it with a comfortable mattress and pillows. Block out the noise with earplugs. Place your television and computer in another room.

Create Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routine

Relaxing activities can ease your body’s transition from wake to sleep. Take a warm bath or shower, read a book, watch a show or perform yoga.

Don’t Take Stress Before Bed

Stressful activities like working on a project or discussing emotional issues before bed cause the body to secrete cortisol. It stimulates the mind to be more alert due to which you may stay awake longer. So do not take your problems to bed. Don’t even think about what you need to do the next day, do something relaxing and sleep.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that’s great for a fresh mind but not for sleep. It’s found in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and some pain relievers. You should avoid them for four to six hours before you plan to hit the hay.

Avoid Alcohol

It may get you sleepy one night but might cause sleep problems in the long run like sleep apnea. Alcohol alters melatonin production and human growth hormone, both of which are needed for good health. So don’t have more than two drinks per day. Avoid it after three hours before bedtime.

Exercise Regularly But Not At Night

Exercising can help people reduce the time they need to doze off considerably. Studies involving insomnia patients show considerable improvement in sleep due to exercise. But avoid doing it at night because exercising stimulates the body to be more alert. So limit your fitness routine to the daytime.

Plan Light Exposure During Day And Night

Increased light exposure during the day promotes better sleep but can have the opposite effect at night. It’s because of the circadian rhythm, our body’s natural clock that affects your sleep cycle. Get more sunlight during the day and switch off the lights two hours before going to sleep. Don’t watch the television because its blue LED light might keep you awake.

Consult A Holistic Doctor

A holistic doctor in Denver can help you identify what’s causing sleep deprivation and suggest a solution.

These are some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep. You don’t have to apply every method mentioned here at once. Try a few tips one at a time to see what’s working for you and what’s not.

Summary - You don’t have to consult a functional medicine doctor in Denver to know how important sleep is for the body. Though you may have to consult one to solve your sleeping issues.

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