Know me better
Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking custom software development company. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for.

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Total Posts: 1
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Rewardbloggers Score: 4412
Member Since: 27-Apr-2020

My Blogs

The Need For Python Developers Increasing In Th...

Python programming language is one of the easiest programming languages in the world. Because of its features more an...

How To Start An On-demand Startup?

In today’s world, there is certainly hardly anyone who is left untouched by technology. Within a few years, various...

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Non-fungible tokens in the gaming industry signify digital games that are further converted into NFT games that are sold out in the NFT marketplace. NFT games comprise avatars and gaming characters while significantly holding the traits of NFTs in general.


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