Benefits of Composite Bonding

4 Major Benefits of Composite Bonding

Composite bonding has been a procedure in cosmetic dentistry, and it's increasingly popular. If you don't know about it today, you will later on. Most of our patients opt for composite bonding treatment at the Walk-in clinic. The procedure doesn't take much time; in less than or within 1 hour, you will get a better and healthier smile, which is why the treatment is highly sought after.

What exactly is composite bonding?

The aim of this treatment is to enhance your teeth aesthetics. How? Composite bonding doesn't treat any specific dental issue; it is simply cosmetic! That is why it is often called cosmetic bonding.

During this treatment procedure, a fine composite material will be used to smooth and fill up gaps, rough edges, chips, and other imperfections in your teeth. Again, composite bonding can make chipped and worn-out teeth stronger.

A professional dentist can even cover your present teeth with the composite material to create a new and improved shape. The change your teeth need may be minor, or in other cases, your whole teeth have to be covered up; in which case it becomes a composite veneer.

What to expect during composite bonding

In addition to being flexible, composite bonding is a straightforward and quick cosmetic procedure. Since composite bonding is comparatively easy, a pro dentist can complete your treatment within one hour. But the duration of treatment depends on how much work is involved. How? Smoothing chipped teeth will definitely take less time than getting a complete set of composite veneers.

For those scared of needles, there is no need to worry as most cases of this procedure requires no anaesthetics. The composite material used to correct your teeth is soft to an extent and easy to mould over your teeth. But immediately it sets, and both you and your dentist are satisfied with the look, a special activating light is used to harden the material for day to day teeth activities.

Your dentist can make any necessary adjustments, and you can begin to enjoy your new smile and teeth.

So, what are the perks of using composite bonding?

An improved smile brings self-confidence and makes you comfortable around people. Yes, you will feel free to attend parties, take photos, share a lovely smile, and laugh without feeling embarrassed.

There are a few treatment options you can choose from:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Teeth whitening
  • Teeth straightening, or even
  • Composite bonding

These treatment options have their upsides that should be investigated. But here, we want to show you some benefits of composite bonding that make this treatment procedure an excellent option for your teeth:

  • A confident, better, and healthier smile - From making your teeth beautiful and amazing, this treatment will boost your confidence to smile and laugh as much as you want with people. Who wouldn't feel more confident with a sweet smile? Of course, anyone will be happy to expose their teeth without having to bother about how it looks
  • Incredibly fast and hassle-free treatment - Composite bonding is faster than teeth straightening options. However, choosing it as an alternative depends on the current position of your teeth. Again, the procedure involves zero invasion, and no preparation is usually needed, making it completely safe and reliable
  • Needles? No way! - Most cases involving composite bonding requires no injection. So, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about if you are scared of needles
  • It's a less expensive option - This treatment can be potentially less pricey than other alternatives. It however depends on how much work is involved. The general cost of bonding per tooth is about £100. While composite veneers cost£380 per tooth

So, now that you understand the procedure and benefits of this flexible cosmetic option, you may decide to go for this treatment.  If you have any dental concerns and you're considering this treatment option, kindly go ahead and book a consultation for composite bonding in London.

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