5 Top Tips to Make Your Home Safer and Healthier

As we are all aware we are meant to be safe and protected in our home, but usually there are different hazards hiding in the corners like mold, dust, toxins and many more. Multiple studies have proven that people who are exposed to those kinds of toxins will have asthma, behavior problems, central nervous system damage and even cancer. Making your home safer and healthier doesn't have to be overwhelming and super expensive. Nowadays, many of us develop lifestyles focused on keeping ourselves healthy. While this most commonly revolves around exercise and the kind of food we eat, people often forget that our surroundings affect us immensely as well. In other words, the home that we live in is where we spend a significant amount of time, so it is very important to make sure that it is as clean as possible. We need to do our best to cleanse our living space of anything that is detrimental to our health. Most people when they are trying to improve their health they mainly focus on exercise and nutrition and less or no time on how the environment that you live in can affect your body. Because we spend so much time at home, especially during this time, it is important that you find a way to make your home a healthier place. That can mean cleaning more often, not using harmful products and many more things. Being aware of what you are using in your home not only helps you but it helps the environment too. If you are looking to improve your home for better health and make it a safer environment you can try these tips. Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss 5 simple ways that you can create a clean environment in your home. When the environment inside your home becomes clean, it is quite possible that you’ll find that some of the health issues that you’ve been having are now gone. This is why it is important to change some of your routines and introduce these five simple tricks. The concept of a clean and healthy home is something everyone should strive toward in order to ensure the well-being of everyone that lives and spends time there, especially the kids. Making your home safer and healthier doesn't have to be overwhelming and super expensive. By doing these simple things you will not only improve the health of your home and everyone in it, but you are also saving the planet too.

As we are all aware we are meant to be safe and protected in our home, but usually there are different hazards hiding in the corners like mold, dust, toxins and many more. Multiple studies have proven that people who are exposed to those kinds of toxins will have asthma, behavior problems, central nervous system damage and even cancer.

  1. Get Rid Of All the Mold

Most households in Australia blame their lung problems, wheezing and coughing on pollen or other allergens in the air, but in reality they are reacting to mold spores that are in their homes. The unfortunate thing is that mold flourishes in places with high humidity, so all you need to do is get your humidity under control. The obvious ones to look out for are roof leaks, drippy faucets, etc. Most people are not aware that space heaters, furnaces and fireplaces can create models if they aren't well ventilated because they will fill the air with water vapor.  In order to solve the problem, you need to get a moisture meter (hygrometer) and a dehumidifier and you are good to go.

  1. Get the Dust under Control

The most common source of allergies is dust. But not only is it causing you to have allergies, but dust also contains toxic chemicals like lead, pesticides and other bad chemicals. The best way to fix this promise is to replace anything that collects and creates dust like carpets and put in flooring that is less prone to harbor dust like wood or tile. Unfortunately, not all can afford to do so, in order to still keep yourself safe and healthy make sure that you vacuum and dust every day. If that is too much for you there is nothing wrong with hiring house cleaning services from Sydney to help you out. That way you will stay on top of your cleaning and not be overwhelmed with it. 

  1. Get the Lead Out

It is important that you are aware that lead is not only found in paint and water it can also be in soil around your home from cars that are running on leaded gas. Even though that isn't always the case you need to be cautious and assume that it is contaminated. To make sure that none gets in your home create a rule that you must take your shoes off before coming in. Another way that you might be coming into contact with lead is from newspaper ink. If you're handling newspapers make sure that you always wash your hands after touching it and never use newspaper to create a fire. If you do you will have lead fumes contaminate the air and there will still be lead dust in the ashes.

  1. Use Non-toxic Cleaning Products

The mass-produced store-bought cleaning supplies that most households use come with warnings on their labels because they are a mix of strong chemicals. But when you are cleaning your home you don't need to pollute your indoor air just to get your home clean. You are not only polluting your own air but when you dump out the water it goes down the drain and pollutes lakes and rivers. There are so many ways of cleaning your home without using toxic chemicals. You can make cleaners with vinegar as a substitute for bleach, baking soda for cleaning tiles and hydrogen peroxide for removing stains.

  1. Get a Water Filter

Most places in Australia have chlorinated tap water. It is a great thing because it is the most effective way to kill germs in water, but chlorinated water has been linked to some pretty bad diseases. The best way to stay healthy is to get a water filter for your tap. It doesn't need to be anything expensive and fancy it can be as simple as a charcoal water filter. You can even install ones for your showerheads to avoid inhaling chlorine-­containing compounds while you are taking a shower.


Making your home safer and healthier doesn't have to be overwhelming and super expensive. By doing these simple things you will not only improve the health of your home and everyone in it, but you are also saving the planet too.


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