Features of Sugar CRM

Sugar CRM is a software organization which is located in California. The major function or application of this organization is to generate the most innovative sugar known as the web application sugar.


Sugar CRM is a software organization which is located in California. The major function or application of this organization is to generate the most innovative sugar known as the web application sugar.

The service of the Sugar CRM comprises different factors which include alliance, client service, advertising, and some others in the list. The company besides containing multiple websites it also contains millions of users all across the world. Approximately 1.5 million users were estimated to register with Sugar CRM three years ago.

Pricing factor:

 Sugar CRM pricing is different in different situations. It varies from product to product and also from place to place.

The Sugar CRM prices for some products are given below:

  • Sugar cell is one of the most highlighted products. The price of this product starts at 75$ approximately. It can be one percent more or less in nearby places. The best part about this product is the fact that it creates essential adventures for its buyers.
  • Sugar serves is one of the most commercially acclaimed products of Sugar CRM. This product enhances the trust of the customer in any product to a greater level and extent. The starting price of this product is 82$. It is not much expensive.
  • There is an expensive product of Sugar CRM which is known as the sugar market. The Sugar CRM price of this product is more than 900$. It is often termed as a luxury product as it is so expensive that it cannot be easily bought by a common man. This product seizes the concentration of an individual in a matter of just a few seconds.

Integration factor:

Sugar CRM integration is not an easy task or job to perform for an organization or an individual. If a company wants to achieve progress in a shorter interval of time, one of the arts which the company needs to learn is the art of integration. The company should know the basics of how to merge with the third company in the most effective and communicative method.

Sugar CRM integration is done through many different applications. Sugar CRM has learned the art of integration very well.

The need for integration:

A company can increase its value if its administrative gets integrated with the sugar CRM. It proves to be a great fruitful experience for both the buyer and as well as the seller.

Following are some of the merits and advantages of merging an application with the sugar CRM:

  • It increases efficiency to a bigger level.
  • It also gives the benefit of sharing information from one party to the other party.
  • A company enjoys the advantage of having advanced features and technology when it gets integrated with the sugar CRM.
  • Whenever a company gets merged with a bigger company like the sugar CRM, great innovative ideas came into being which in turn generates a huge amount of profit in the future for both the companies.

Customization factor:

Sugar CRM customization can be termed as one of the most demanded customizations in recent times. The best part about this customization is the factor that it is relatable to both the smaller organizations as well as the bigger organizations in one way or the other. This feature makes it highly demandable than the other ones. Sugar CRM customization contains an extremely easy design as well as the planning process.

The customization feature of the CRM can be applied to several business needs. The best thing which adds more to the plate is the fact that it has given the developer the complete authority so that it can easily modify it in its own desired shape and architect. It is indeed a rare feature to have.

Documentation factor:

The sugar CRM documentation factor is also carried out most communicatively. It sells different types of documents to its customers. Some of the documents which it sells to its customers are as follows:

  • It sells the documents of user guides.
  • It sells the documents of administrator guides.
  • It sells the documents of additional guides.
  • It sells the documents of developer guides.
  • It sells the documents of release notes.

Open source factor:

 Open source sugar CRM is often described as the CRM which is community consumed. The structure of this community guided sugar CRM is based on the PHP structure. Open-source developers regarded and declared this feature of the sugar CRM as their best ones. They think that this feature will give them the desired vacuum to exhibit their talent and potential to their fullest.

Sugar CRM offers numerous features and advantages to both the organizations as well as the individuals in plenty of ways which if utilized fruitfully can generate the best results.

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