Virtual conference, unified communications, communications

8 Ways to Make Your Virtual Conference More Effective

With today’s innovations, online collaborations have gained prominence. More people opt to make use of a virtual conference as a means of interaction and the acquisition of further knowledge. This innovation allows people with the same interests, but from different locations, to come together and learn further about various concepts.

8 Ways to Make Your Virtual Conference More Effective


With today’s innovations, online collaborations have gained prominence. More people opt to make use of a virtual conference as a means of interaction and the acquisition of further knowledge. This innovation allows people with the same interests, but from different locations, to come together and learn further about various concepts.

However, due to the novelty of video teleconferencing, some organisers may still have a hard time maximising its use. Web conferencing is heavily reliant on technology, including equipment or hardware. Also, because members are in different places, distractions and technical issues may occur that could affect the quality of the collaboration.

Despite all these challenges, virtual conferences could still be made more effective and convenient.

This article will provide you with the best practices to help you improve your virtual meetings for more effective communication and collaboration.

Why is a Virtual Conference Important?

Taking advantage of the use of online conferences may serve to be beneficial for the following reasons:

1.    Reduced Travel Time and Cost

With the use of a virtual conference, people no longer need to travel back and forth to various places just to attend. Companies can save on expenses because their employees can join without having to undertake long and expensive journeys.   

2.    Faster Way to Interact with People

A virtual conference allows people to interact with one another in just a few clicks. A speaker may start a virtual conference call and reach people from different places and still provide the information they need. Conferences can quickly be scheduled and people are notified online instantly. Presentations can be shared to help people collaborate efficiently.

3.    Connect with Several People at Once

Online conferencing provides an avenue for people to be in part of just one virtual meeting room, regardless of their location. A person at home can still be provided with the same information and experiences as those of a person attending the conference in an office. 

4.    Increased Productivity 

Through a virtual conference, companies can provide important information for people about ways they could be more productive in their lines of work without the need for face-to-face communication. Web conferences also provide updates in chosen industries that could support people in creating better business strategies for their companies. 

5.    Promotes Convenience

Online conferencing is convenient because large venue bookings are not needed, unlike when organising physical conferences. A virtual meeting also increases the chances of the attendance of renowned speakers, who may not be able to attend physical conferences due to location barriers. Moreover, attendees may be more comfortable having a remote meeting and taking in information in the comfort of their home working spaces.

 How to Make your Virtual Conference a Success

1.    Make Sure the Speakers are Ready

Time is crucial in a virtual conference. Your speakers must be present and ready in the virtual meeting room before the conference starts. They must know the sequence of presentations to avoid confusion during the conference. Make sure that presentations are queued based on the sequence of speaking.

 2.    Prepare Presentations Ahead of Time 

To ensure that you run a useful virtual conference, make sure that presentations are prepared earlier. This ensures that every presentation is coherent with the conference theme. This could give you more time to check that all of the topics promised in the conference invitation and brief are appropriate for your audience.

 3.    Discuss Something that Relates to Your Audience

To gain your audience’s attention in an online conference, it is recommended that concepts are discussed that they can relate to. For example, in marketing conferences, audiences are mostly marketing professionals from different sectors. For instance, speakers could discuss the challenges that marketers have faced or are facing during the pandemic. This is a relevant topic that your audience will be able to relate to because they’re all working in the same field.


4.    Promote Your Web Conference

More so than relevant topics of discussion, promotion is crucial in the success of a video teleconference. People need to know about the details of the conference. They need to be convinced that they would miss out on many insights and lessons that could help them be more productive in their work if they do not join the conference. Promoting your virtual meeting increases your visibility. It also creates a desire for people to join and learn new things from knowledgeable speakers.

5.    Keep the Conference Interactive

A virtual conference increases the possibilities for interactive activities. Taking advantage of these opportunities may make your web conferences more engaging. You can start with relevant brain teasers flashed on your monitor so people can see them on their devices. You could also include some quizzes during the conference to evaluate the attendees’ understanding of the topic.

6.    Get Fully Prepared for Some Technical Issues

With online conferencing’s dependency on technology such as hardware and internet connections, technical issues may arise. Before starting your virtual conference, make sure that you have spare adapters or even a backup device on which all presentations are stored. This gives you remedial measures just in case something happens that could affect the continuity of your conference.

7.    Consider the Best Audio Available

Audio is an important aspect to consider in a virtual conference. Speakers’ audio must be crystal clear if they are to get their messages across.  Nothing is more distracting and demotivating than not being able to hear what the speaker is trying to say due to bad audio output. Efficient communication tools like Communicator or Microsoft Teams are proven to have clear audio that makes it best for web conferences.  

8.    Pick the Right Audio and Video Conference Provider

Technical aspects, such as meeting room features are crucial in creating a successful virtual conference. With this, it is crucial to choose a service provider that understands your web conference needs.

VoIPtech solutions offer affordable and reliable unified communication packages including audio and videoconferencing. VoIPTech’s virtual conference tools help you improve efficiency and mobilise knowledge sharing. 


Make Your Virtual Conference More Effective

A virtual conference is an online event during which people can share ideas and updates on various industries. They are convenient because people can attend and stay connected from wherever they are. They save time and money without compromising the value of knowledge that can be acquired.

Maximising the advantages of web conferencing can be done in various ways, such as being proactive in terms of preparing presentations and preparing technical needs. Furthermore, choosing a proven and trusted service provider that offers competitive unified communication packages complete with necessary communication tools like Microsoft Teams is essential for a successful virtual conference.




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