NPS Survey

Best Transactional NPS Questions for your Survey

What questions you ask will play a dominant role in NPS Surveys. Asking the right Transactional NPS Question helps you to drive quality responses. Find the list of some best Transactional NPS Questions.

One of the most popular ways to gauge Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction is with the Net Promoter Score®. Besides measuring Customer Loyalty, NPS® is a predictor of customer’s recommendation behaviour. 

Interestingly, NPS can be used to measure feedback and customer’s likelihood to recommend your brand and service after an interaction or transaction (Transactional NPS), as well as recommend your company and brand based on their overall relationship with you (Relationship NPS). 

Measuring Company Health with Relationship NPS Surveys

Some surveys are conducted with the intent to assess a company's relationship with the customers, without any specific event. These are generally conducted on a quarterly or a bi-annual basis and help companies gauge the overall satisfaction of their customers, as well as their likelihood of recommending the company to their group of friends and family. These surveys are known as Relationship Surveys, as they measure the satisfaction of customers based on the relationship they share with the company. NPS is a very popular metric to be measured in Relationship Surveys. 

Relationship NPS Surveys are ideal to:

  • measure the overall perception of your company
  • understand overall customer loyalty
  • benchmark against NPS data of other companies and brands 

In a Relationship NPS Survey, it is ideal to use the standard NPS Question, ‘On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend us to your friends or family?’. The ‘us’ in the question can be replaced by the brand name or business name for customers to quickly relate with the business while answering the question. Here’s an example, ‘On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend (COMPANYNAME) to your friends or family?’ 

For example, Drift often uses in-app NPS Surveys to measure Customer Satisfaction from their users.

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Learn about how to use in-app Website Surveys with Zonka Feedback. 

Measuring specific event-based Customer Loyalty with Transactional NPS Surveys

Transactional NPS Feedback works best to understand the customers’ opinions about the business based on certain events like post-purchase, post-order, post-payment, post-shopping, or post-ticket has been solved. The data collected from the Transactional Survey enables companies to quickly spot strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities associated with the brand. These actionable insights help companies to optimize or improve products and services.

Transactional NPS Survey is ideal to:  

  1. Find insights at the transactional level   
  2. Identify strengths or weaknesses of products & services

In a Transactional NPS survey, you can use specific wordings like “Recent Purchase or Order” within a Standard NPS Question.‘Based on a recent purchase, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?” The ‘us’ in the question can be replaced by the brand name or business name for customers to quickly relate with the business while answering the question. Here’s an example, ‘Based on a recent purchase, how likely are you to recommend (COMPANYNAME) to your friends or family on a scale of 0-10. 

For example, Airbnb sends a Transactional NPS Survey in response to a customer-service interaction they had in the wake of a host's reservation cancellation. 

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Transactional or Relationship NPS Survey: Which one is Best?

Both the NPS Surveys have their significance as per the customer touchpoints and situations in which feedback is captured.

  1. Data collected from Relationship Surveys help you to strategize on business improvement, while data collected from Transactional surveys help you to implement those improvements.
  2. Relationship Surveys help you to find how customers see your business for the long-term. Whereas, Transactional Surveys find out the aspect that can change or improve the customers’ perceptions based on a particular interaction or transaction.

When to Use Transactional NPS Surveys

There are various situations or touchpoints where transactional survey works best to find genuine customer feedback based on recent interactions:  

  1. Post-Service Feedback or after a Ticket or Call - You can send a Transactional NPS Survey once the ticket has been solved or closed to gauge the recent experience of the customers. This helps you to find actionable insights like how was the supporting staff, how was the support services, what are the aspects of the experience that need improvement, and so on.
  2. Important Product Update - After launching any product or service in the market, you might be excited to know the reactions of your customers regarding your product. For this, you can send Transactional NPS Surveys to your customers and ask them to share their feedback and suggestions that help you to improve the products and services.
  3. After New Order or Business Interaction - You can trigger the Transactional NPS Survey after a new order is placed by customers or after specific business interaction. This helps you to find out the pain points of the customers or aspects that spoil their experience. The data gathered from the transactional NPS Survey help you to find an immediate solution to rectify the issues and improve the experience to delight the customers.

Transactional NPS Questions at Different Touchpoints

Sending NPS surveys after important interactions or events like post-purchase, post-order, post-transaction will not only help you to improve your business but also strengthen your relationship with the customers. Besides this, what questions you ask will play a dominant role in NPS Surveys. Asking the right NPS Question helps you to drive quality responses

So, let’s explore some best Transactional NPS Survey Questions:

1. Transactional NPS Surveys Post Purchase

There are a series of experiences your customers encounter while purchasing from your business or website. These experiences could be related to the product list, order, payment, billing options, and so on. You can measure their experience and satisfaction level by sending a Post-Purchase Transactional NPS Survey. 

Transactional NPS Survey Question to Measure Post Purchase Experience: In this NPS Question, use specific wordings like “Recent Purchase or Order” in a Standard NPS Question.

Based on your “Recent Purchase”, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?

2. Post-Service Feedback or after a Ticket is Solved or Closed

According to the studies by Walker, “by the end of 2020*, Price and product will be overtaken by customer experience as the key brand differentiator.” And the overall customer experience is constituted by the customer services as well. Being a service provider or a business owner, you need to measure the customers’ perceptions about the customer services you are providing.

Once the ticket is solved or closed, you can trigger the Transactional NPS Survey to your customers or clients to determine their satisfaction level based on the services provided by your support service team. This also helps you to gather information about different things like your support agent, issue resolution time, and so on. 

Transactional NPS Survey Question to gauge Post Service Feedback: Here in this you can replace the word “Recent Purchase or Order” with “Recent Interaction with support staff” within a standard NPS Question.   

Based on your “Recent Interaction with our support staff”, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?

3. Send Transactional NPS After Products & Services Update

The quality of your product & service has always been the major priority of customers while choosing any brand or business. If your products or services deliver quality beyond excellence, then customers would not mind paying you a little high for that.

The best way to know what your customers are thinking about your products or services is by gauging the instant real-time reaction of your customers. For this, you can send a Transactional NPS Survey immediately after a product or service update.

This helps you to gather some negative feedback and suggestions that help you to improve your products and services. Here at this point, you can also consider asking the Relationship NPS Surveys Question - How likely are you to continue to choose/repurchase/repeat to predict the loyalty and buying behavior of your customers. 

Transactional NPS Survey Question to gauge Product & Service Update Feedback:   

Based on your “recent experience”, how likely are you to recommend our updated product or service to a friend or colleague?

4. After New Business Interaction

When customers visit your store for the first time or shop on your website, you should measure their experience and satisfaction level. Sending a Transactional NPS Survey at this stage will help you to build a bridge to connect your new customers with your brand. You can also go into the meat of the conversation by asking your customers to elaborate on the issues. For this, you can ask the Follow-Up NPS Questions to seek the reason for the score. This helps you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business and take actions to improve it. 

Transactional NPS Survey Question to gauge New Business Interaction Feedback: Here in this you can replace the word with “Recent Interaction” within a standard NPS Question.  

Based on your “Recent Interaction” with us, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?

5. Send Transactional NPS Survey Post-Delivery

You can use the Transactional NPS Survey to check and analyze the quality of your delivery services. Sending Post Delivery Feedback helps you to know various things like - Was the delivery on time, how was the behaviour of the delivery agent, quality of packaging, and so on. 

You can trigger the Transactional NPS Survey via SMSes to your customers, or your delivery agent can handover iPad devices having Post-Delivery NPS Survey. You can also embed a survey link in the QR code bar and print those QR code bars on the package of the product or the bill.

Transactional NPS Survey Question for Post-Delivery Feedback: On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our delivery services to a friend or colleague?

6. Send Post-Appointment or Post Patient Visit

There are a series of experiences encountered by patients before, during, and post-appointment. These experiences could be related to ease of making an appointment, staff efficiency and friendliness, experience with the doctor, and so on. Here you need to measure the Patients’ perceptions about the care or treatment by asking Transactional NPS Questions. This enables you to identify the gap in care & treatment and fill them to improve the patient experience.

Transactional NPS Question for Post-Appointment Patient Feedback: Based on the recent appointment, what is the probability of recommending our hospital to your relatives or friends?

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