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Characteristics And Differences Compared To Face-to-Face Online Therapy.

In this post, we are going to review the differences between face-to-face therapy and online therapy

Characteristics And Differences Compared To Face-To-Face Online Therapy

In the times in which we live, technologies have opened a wide range of ways to communicate. Psychology has been adapting to these changes and a new way of doing therapy has appeared: online therapy. Although we constantly use social networks, Skype, Facetime. There are many who still do not dare to use it when doing psychological therapy. In this post, we are going to review the differences between face-to-face therapy and therapy http://reliefseeker.com/guides/online-therapy/.

Face-to-face Therapy

This type of therapy is the traditional one, the one in which the sessions are carried out in the psychologist's workplace. We are going to define what characteristics surround this type of therapy.


You call the center or professional with whom you want to make an appointment. Depending on the center or professional, the first appointment will have a cost or not. You plan how long it will take to go, how long you will be there, and what time you will arrive at the next place where you have to go. This has an additional cost to the sessions that we must take into account and that can sometimes become a disadvantage.

Greater Planning

In relation to the previous one, the time it takes to get there, we are there, plus the time it takes to get to where we have to go after that appointment ... It is a higher cost of time and therefore more planning in relation to therapy. This causes that sometimes there is a greater problem of fitting all that time into our hectic day-to-day schedules. We can see it as a disadvantage of face-to-face therapy compared to online therapy.

Increased Initial Anxiety

When you get there you are in an unknown place, if you have been meticulous you will have been able to browse photos of the center, as long as they have been included on their website or google page. More and more psychology centers include this type of photos, this is largely due to being able to know the place in advance and reduce anxiety about being in an unknown place.

In any case, there is a process behind that first scheduled interview and there are many emotions that appear in this process. Whether with therapy or face-to-face therapy, initial anxiety is normal. In the case of face-to-face, the fact of being in an unknown place and to which you have to get used is added. This can also become a disadvantage compared to therapy.

The Cost

Each center and professional has its price, it is important to know it before deciding to go to it. In general, there is a standard price that compared to therapy is going to be more expensive. This can be a disadvantage of face-to-face therapy when we are considering what type of therapy we want to carry out.

Face-to-Face Communication

Part of therapy is based on the feedback of verbal and non-verbal information between the psychologist or psychologist and the patient. In face-to-face therapy, this feedback is direct, so there will be no communication difficulties, it is an advantage over therapy.

Certain Prejudices

Although currently going to the online therapy psychologist is not seen as something negative, there are still certain taboos and prejudices. There are still prejudices of "what will they say" if they see us going to therapy. Fears may appear about who can see us going to a psychologist center or who we can meet in the waiting room. 




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