Blog Post

Creative block: What to do when you have a bad day to write

Everybody in the creative business is going through a boring moment called creative blocking, which is when ideas don't come at all , just when you've determined it's time to write and advance some blog posts . Everything you write looks bad and you give up, and then comes the frustration of not being able to complete the task at that time or, worse, you will procrastinate on social networks. Did you identify yourself? So this post is for yourself!

Take a break

When this happens, there's no point in insisting and writing anything. Then you will have to work hard to rewrite because you will find that your text is really bad. The saying goes 'done is better than perfect'. When it comes to content for your audience, it's always good to be the best you can give, not just what you can do at that time.

Do not be afraid

Sometimes the creative block is linked to the fear of being criticized or wanting everything to be perfect.

As for criticism, you must always remember that they will come only because you are publishing something, so you need to know how to deal with them. Not all criticism is destructive; In fact, in my view, a criticism of someone who does not understand your work or who follows little what you do is not valid. The criticism that will help you is from people who really watch you closely and know your purpose .


Creative block: What to do when you have a bad day to write

December 23, 2018

Everybody in the creative business is going through a boring moment called creative blocking, which is when ideas don't come at all , just when you've determined it's time to write and advance some blog posts .

Everything you write looks bad and you give up, and then comes the frustration of not being able to complete the task at that time or, worse, you will procrastinate on social networks. Did you identify yourself? So this post is for yourself!

Take a break

When this happens, there's no point in insisting and writing anything. Then you will have to work hard to rewrite because you will find that your text is really bad. The saying goes 'done is better than perfect'. When it comes to content for your audience, it's always good to be the best you can give, not just what you can do at that time.

So a good idea is to get up, stretch, have a cup of coffee and do anything other than on the computer. If you work at home , you can take a shower or do some pending work. You will realize that ideas will begin to come naturally.

It is very important to give this rest to our brain, sometimes it just needed it.

Do not be afraid

Sometimes the creative block is linked to the fear of being criticized or wanting everything to be perfect.

As for criticism, you must always remember that they will come only because you are publishing something, so you need to know how to deal with them. Not all criticism is destructive; In fact, in my view, a criticism of someone who does not understand your work or who follows little what you do is not valid. The criticism that will help you is from people who really watch you closely and know your purpose .

Perfectionism gets in the way, too, because you get paralyzed because you don't know how to proceed. We always talk here that it is important for you to deliver the best you can give, and not always a long text is the most complete. You need to be objective , get your reader to understand the message you want to deliver and take action on the problem you are presenting and solving for them.

So how can you simplify everything you want to communicate so that the message is straightforward but complete?

Don't let perfectionism beat you. Just write.


There are some effective ways to keep you from paralyzing right when you need to write.

But first you have to understand that writing good text has to do with three factors: good mental health (no one can write if you are in a bad mood, for example), a pleasant working environment (writing in chaos? No thinking!) And always being Well informed.

Knowing this, here are some tips for you to change your routine so as not to let the creative block beat you .

Keep yourself always connected with quality internet like Du Home Internet and stay within touch with your viewers 

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