Liver Disease

Facts To Know About Alcoholic Liver Disease

The liver is a sensitive internal organ, located below the ribs, on the right side of the belly. The vital role of the liver is to produce bile liquid, which helps the body to digest food and carry away the waste to the small intestine. Other functions of the liver include regulation of the blood clots, filtering of blood from the harmful nutrients, and production of proteins to carry the fats and other nutrients through the body. The liver is a sensitive internal organ, which is the easiest to get deteriorated with the regular intake of alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can disturb the overall functioning of the liver and cause Alcoholic liver disease. 


Below are a few facts to know about Alcoholic liver disease.


1.) Alcoholic Liver Disease can affect any individual regardless of age. There is a stigma that only middle-aged people can get affected by liver disease. Drinking alcohol is one of the leading causes of its improper functioning. Regular consumption of alcohol, even at a young age can cause the organ to lose its efficiency of filtering the blood, which may further lead to life-threatening conditions like nausea, diarrhoea, loss of appetite etc. 


2.) Around one in every five heavy drinkers suffer from Liver Cirrhosis, a later stage complication that causes the organ to lose its cells and build up irreversible scar tissues. The symptoms include vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle cramps etc. While drinking is not the sole cause of developing Cirrhosis, but it is one of the most common reasons.


3.) It is not uncommon where one is suffering from alcoholic liver disease, and he is unaware of the condition. It is possible that one might not even experience any symptoms, as they can take the form of fatigue, nausea, darkened urine etc. If a person is a heavy drinker, he must be cautious at all times, and consult a doctor immediately for alcoholic liver disease treatment, if he faces any illness. A little ignorance on the drinker’s part can lead to further worsening of the condition.


4.) Alcoholic liver disease deaths account for over a third of the total liver diseases deaths in India. Consuming excessive alcohol can cause the organ to inflate, leading it working abnormally. The liver inflammation can be stopped if a person leaves drinking completely, but it leaves some after-effects, for which treatment is available.


Liver diseases cause approximately 2% of deaths in India. While the liver has an ability to regenerate itself, but prolonged drinking habits may deteriorate its functioning, making it lose the ability to regenerate. The alcoholic liver disease treatment is available across several hospitals, but it is capable of only stopping the further worsening of the condition. In the worst-case scenario, where the liver is barely performing its functions, one may even need to undergo liver transplant surgery, which is a complex procedure. The most effective way to reduce the risk of liver disease is to limit alcohol consumption, or completely stop its intake.

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