Fraud Awareness: Phishing and Vishing

Online Bill Payment through XPay Life. You can make faster, easier and secure payment for all multi-utility bills such as Electricity, Gas, Water, Postpaid Mobile bill, Landline, Broadband, DTH Recharge become easier with XPay Life.

This is an era submerged in the technological waves of the innovations and more people are finding themselves to be part of the rising tides. Hence the customer base is highly comfortable with the ease the technologies are providing. Every industry including the health, education, transportation, and even the bill payment has seen the advantages of the technology in terms of the ubiquity, ease and immediate settlement of payment. Best bill pay app for Android and IOS is providing secure payment platforms as well.

With the ease comes the complex issue of securing the payment through the online platforms where the tech-savvy, agile fraudsters are waiting to scoop the money. There are different ways fraudsters are infiltrated the secure layers of the mobile applications that people are using. It is said that internet users in India are going to increase to 40% by 2023. And at the same time, the customers will not be using the technology but communicating with the technology for long hours. It is said that there is a whopping $1 Trillion digital transactions per year and is an easy loot for the prying fraudsters. Hence even a small broadband payments android transaction could be lethal.

There was a recent case that was mentioned in the economic times where a person while paying a utility bill from a popular mobile payment app lost 96,000 in a minute. It sounds scary, isn’t it? It was a matter where the person was trying to raise a complaint against the failed transaction and a link from a spam site popped up during the process. An accidental click on it lead to the loss of his entire savings. This is not a lone story, there are repetitions of the same loss in different versions in the entire country. Who is to be blamed in this process. The mobile payment service provider who provides Best electricity bill payment online? Is it the government or the bank from which the money has been stolen? Or is it the customer's negligence or the unawareness of this situation.

Even though the Government has made stringent regulatory policies for the service providers to provide the most secure payment platform. Cyber hygiene has to be complied with by the companies but the main reason or the weak links are the end-consumers only. There are identity thefts, data thefts without the consumer’s knowledge making them the victims of cyberfrauds. landline bill payment android can be done without much hassle through popular apps. And this is one scenario called phishing through email, SMS, and voice that the frauds can easily track your data.

How to be vigilant against cyberfrauds?

Many fraudsters pose to be the authentic service providers, they even mask their real numbers and send you an SMS from the customer care number.

Some of the examples are

“Dear customer, you are selected as the best customer with largest transactions. We are giving away gifts of 10,000 for you. Please share your credit card details and bank number for us to credit the amount”

“Dear customer, avail more than 5000 Rs offer on purchse of this product. Share us your credit card details to immediately avail the offer”

Note: No bank or payment service provider will ask you for the credit card details like your card number, CVV, Expiry date and so on. Even the normal Airtel postpaid bill payment must be done without clicking on the fake SMS obtained by the fraudsters. Click only on the offers from the website or from inside the application. 

Now-a-days vishing, i.e phishing through the voice calls has been a norm, people disguising as a agents from the banks or the payment service providers, will call the customer regarding sharing the sensitive data. Hence make your Airtel DTH Recharge with awareness. Stay aware, stay secure and use the blockchain-enabled technology built the application from XPay Life.

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