The bank always overlooks your capacity to repay a loan by going through your credit score. This score concludes your credit history, the amount of credit you have taken and other factors. All this helps a bank to regulate that granting you a personal loan is not a risky scheme because a personal loan is a relaxed loan and the lender has no other assets to keep on.
What is a CIBIL Score?
The score which tells financial institutions that you are creditworthy is called CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau Limited) score. It is a number that tells you how responsible you are with your loans and credit cards. The CIBIL score is one of the prime roles in the approval of a loan.
The measures to get a personal loan despite a poor CIBIL score:
Seek for lower personal loan amount:
High amount with a low credit score makes a situation risky for the lender, this means that you may face a problem during repayment. If you will apply for a lower amount of a personal loan, it will make a lender comfortable, there will be high chances of your loan getting approved and it will be easy to repay.
co-applicant or secure a guarantor
If the CIBIL credit score is low, you can apply with your co-applicant for that you have to ask for a co-applicant beforehand and complete KYC formalities. The key benefit of a co-applicant is that it helps to make your credit score better.
mistakes in your credit report
CIBIL report can contain errors. This happens when the latest information is not updated against your record. These mistakes can take a toll on your credit score and disturb your credit score. Hence, it is important to check your CIBIL report on a regular basis to boot your credit score. Low Credit (CIBIL) score doesn't really mean terrible credit. It can likewise be ascribed to inadequate advance or Visa impression. Commonly, at a youthful age, we start with a couple of charge card and might be a bike advance. FICO assessment in such conditions are on the lower side, so in the event that bank or NBFC has CIBIL cut off based dismissal measures, at that point your case naturally moves to dismissal plate.
These measures should be kept in mind if you want to avail personal loan despite a poor CIBIL score. Also, you should have sufficient funds for repayment. Dena Bank personal loan offers a huge range of services. Dena bank is the most go-to bank for any kind of financial services for any urgent financial requirement