Laser Rangefinder

How To Improve Your Golf Game With A Golf Laser Rangefinder

It wasn’t too long ago that the USGA did not allow golfers to use golf laser rangefinders in tournament play.

That’s all changed, though. And with rangefinders now legal for competitive play, these tools have become essentials for both novice and experienced golfers.

We’ve found that by using a laser rangefinder, golfers can easily knock off at least a couple of strokes from their average game. I, myself, have seen this happen to myself.

If you’re not convinced, though, that your golf game would benefit from a laser rangefinder, here is a brief list of some of the advantages these tools provide to golfers:

1. A laser rangefinder provides you with accurate, precise yardage measures: You might be surprised to learn that many golf courses are littered with yardage markers that are inaccurate. These markers can sometimes be incorrect by as much as 10 yards thanks to changes made to courses over time. As any golfer will tell you, trying to make par is a lot more difficult when you’re basing your shots on inaccurate distances. With a laser rangefinder, though, you can determine the exact yardage from you to the pin. You can also use a laser rangefinder to determine exact yardage when you are closer than 100 yards from the pin.

2. A rangefinder can help you select the right club for the right situation: Again, you might be surprised to learn that driving ranges, too, often feature inaccurate yardage markers. With a laser rangefinder, though, you don’t have to rely on driving-range measures to tell you the average yardage your shots travel with each club. You can instead use your rangefinder to discover this critical information. This is how this works: With a rangefinder, you can measure how far you are hitting each club during the practice balls you smack before you play your next round.

3. You can boost your short game, too: You won’t see many yardage markers once you get closer than 100 yards to the pine. Practice greens rarely feature any markers. With a laser rangefinder, though, you can determine exactly how far you can hit a ball while using a half pitching wedge or a three-quarter sand wedge. This will dramatically improve your short game and reduce your average score.

4. A rangefinder can help you cut down on your penalty strokes: You can use your rangefinder to measure distances to hazards and sand traps. You can then rely on this information to know how far to hit any given shot to avoid these penalty-stroke-causing obstacles. Also, because laser rangefinders come with their own magnification levels, you can easily scan any course you play to discover previously hidden danger areas.

5. Finally, a laser rangefinder can help you boost your confidence: This is more important than you might think. A confident golfer doesn’t shortchange himself or herself on swings. A confident golfer is more willing to take risks when it comes to shot selection. A confident golfer, in other words, usually boasts a better score.

Clean Your Laser Rangefinder Properly

Your golf laser rangefinder is an intricate instrument. This means that you must keep it clean and properly maintained for it to work properly.

The best way to clean your rangefinder is to first blow any dust or debris on its lenses. You can do this, too, by gently wiping it with a soft lens brush. Be careful not to scratch the lenses, though.

If you need to remove dirt or fingerprints, it’s best to clean your rangefinder’s lenses with a very soft and gentle cotton cloth. Make sure to rub the lenses in a circular motion.

Remember, if you resort to using a coarser cloth, you might scratch the surface of your rangefinder’s lenses, something that could seriously damage the tool.

To clean your rangefinder more thoroughly, use photographic lens tissue and cleaning fluid. You may also use isopropyl alcohol. Don’t forget, though: You should always apply whatever cleaning fluid you are using to a cloth, not directly to the rangefinder’s lenses.