How to Smoke a Bong?

How to use a bong how to smoke a bong now I'm not going to fill the bong with weed and actually smoke it but I'm going to show you how it's done and the exact steps that you need to take so that you can enjoy the perfect bong.

First, most important step that you need to take if you don't have the perfect water level in your bong you're never going to get the perfect bong hit so let's assume you already have the water in the bong the first thing that you're going to need to do is, of course, grind your weed using a grinder or if you have dry wheat you can just do it with your hands or even a knife or scissors or anything it doesn't even really matter as long as it's properly grinded so that you have small pieces of weed instead of big chunks of dried bugs that's not going to work you need to get it smaller. Shop bongs online from our MyBongMate store.

All right so the first thing you do is put water in and put in some herbs and basically that's all you need to do now the right amount of herbs that's just personal preference some people want a huge bong head I want to blow huge clouds of smoke but most people are not even really able to handle that so what you want to do is just put in a little bit of weed and work your way up so that you can get the perfect bong hit for you and remember a bong is much stronger than smoking a joint or cigarette so you only need a little bit of herbs to get the same effect that you get when you smoke a big fat joint now let's get started with the bong with a cake hole what you need to do is take it you have the weed in the bowl of course and put your finger on the hole so that when you inhale through the mouthpiece you create a vacuum so that the air is not going to be sucked from here but through the pipe down through the water and you inhale the smoke that's coming through here now once you have the bong full of smoke and you think okay this is good I can inhale it now then you release your finger so that the air is no longer coming through here but through the hole you suck fresh air into the bong the smoke gets pulled up into your lungs and that's how you clear it.

So clearing it means getting all of the smoke out of the bottle so this is basically how you doing and then you exhale the smoke holding it in for a bit easy right so with this glass wall without a kick hole now some bugs do have a glass bones do have a cake hole so it doesn't say anything that's the glass bong this one however it does have three honeycomb diffuse discs which basically spread the smoke through the water much better so that the water can cool a filter to smoke much more effectively resulting in a smoother and tastier and also cleaner healthier smoke so it's basically the same thing you put the herbs in you suck the bong full of smoke but you don't have to hold your finger and a hole anywhere so you just pull the bum full of smoke when the bowl was empty or when you think it's enough you just lift the bowl suck in fresh air hold it in for a bit and exhale like this as you can see the where this bond creates some big bubbles because it just has a normal down stem this one thanks to all the little holes in the diffuser discs it creates much smaller bubbles so the quality of the smoke is highly improved but of course that's not so important for this topic so I hope it was clear how you use a bong.