How to Write Discussion Posts to Get High Scores?

Based on my suggestions for discussion posts, you can confidently say how to write a discussion post that will get you a high score. This means you can participate in any online discussion.

We've all experienced this: your professor asked the class a question about what he needed to read last week, and then you looked down at the book and kept silent, looking out the window from time to time, and your shoes. , Pretending to be thinking about the answer to this question.

The reality is that you just read it, but don't know how to answer the question. Before some people answer, you can only wait silently, and it takes 15 minutes to wait for 15 seconds.

This difficult time has finally passed, and you silently pray in your heart, hoping that the professor's next question is exactly what you know. You get points for participating in the discussion, and it's a good score.

If you actually participated in a face-to-face discussion in class, your score is definitely a good score, even a perfect score.

But if it is an online course or an online discussion designated by your professor, what should you do? You definitely can't hide in the classroom and wait for others to answer questions. If you want to get a score, you need to enter something for your professor or tutor to see.

What should you write when this happens? How can you let the professor know that you are a genius and not a fool?

Let us understand how to write a discussion post to get high scores.

5 tips for success:

At the last minute, you can easily interrupt the discussion online and write down anything, but I certainly don't recommend you do it. Discussion online is a practical task, and in most courses, it is a graded assignment.

 "Online discussions allow you to debate issues, learn from classmates, and show that you are finished reading."

This is a space to discuss problems, learn from classmates, and show professors that you have indeed completed reading.

Professors take discussion seriously, and you should take it seriously. So, follow these suggestions to learn how to write a discussion post that will get you a high score.

Tip 1: Understand your homework

Remember that the discussion requirements for each professor and each class are slightly different. I want to emphasize how important it is to review the homework guidelines before you submit a discussion.

Here are a few points to look for when reviewing the discussion guide:

  • When is the homework due?
  • How many times should you post in the discussion?
  • Can you post everything in one day? Or do you need to actively participate in the discussion for two or more days during the discussion?
  • How many words should your reply be?
  • Do I need to include a reference? If so, should it be in APA, MLA, or some other format?
  • Of course, your professor may have other requirements besides the ones I have listed here, so please read the guidelines carefully before you write.

Tip 2: write a thoughtful post

Although it's tempting to simply read what others have written and write something similar, please don't do it. Instead, it's better to write something original. In addition, your professor knows if you are copying someone. Your posts are automatically timestamped so they know who posted first.

You may also find yourself being asked to send your initial reply to a prompt before seeing what someone else wrote-another reason why you need to take the time to write a thoughtful article.

Here are a few suggestions for writing a substantive post:

  • • Read the specified materials carefully before uploading your response. This means you need to take some notes and even list your thoughts before you post.
  • Think about what you are going to write. Should you compare and contrast ideas, explain concepts, identify terminology, argue opinions, or answer in other ways?
  • Write an original statement. In other words, don't simply reiterate the ideas in the reading. Instead, draw conclusions from course information.

Exactly how do you write an original statement and come to a conclusion? What information should you include? See tip 3 for more information.

Tip 3: include evidence to support your writing

Without evidence to support your statement, it is simply impossible to draw conclusions and write thoughtful posts. You need evidence to prove your point and prove that you fully understand the course materials.

Here are four tips on how to include evidence in your discussion post:

• Find key quotes from your readings that will help clarify your point.

• Look for examples in the reading material that may help demonstrate your ideas.

• Consider how to build a connection between course reading and your own life.

• If relevant, do some additional research and cite other resources to help you develop your discussion posts.

Remember that if you use evidence from your course readings or other sources, it is always a smart strategy to cite the evidence by appropriate citations, such as MLA 8 or APA.

Tip 4: use caution

Whether in online discussions or classroom discussions, you will share your own ideas, learn from others, and show your understanding of the course content. However, although discussion posts in online classes are equivalent to discussions in class, you cannot treat both in the same way.

For example, in a classroom discussion, you might say:

"The short story" The Lottery "we read last week is a bit like" Hunger Games "because they all tell the story of how people were killed. They were killed because they were there That's the way it is. "

Of course, this sounds like what you said in class, but when you print it out, you will find it unsuitable for written assignments (or written discussions).

Here are some suggestions for choosing the right wording:

  • Even if the discussion is not a formal essay, it is important to be academic in writing. Although you may use first-person and second-person, you should not write as you speak. (Scientific wording also means that you should use the correct sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation to change your sentence structure.)
  • Avoid slang, jargon, text slang (including emoji), and swear words.
  • Write concisely, use as much specific language as possible, and don't use fake vocabulary to sound smart.

Include vocabulary from reading materials. For example, if your English class is learning narratives and perspectives, you are asked to write the narrator in a particular story, and speak terms such as omniscient narrator, limited omniscient narrator, unreliable narrator, or participant Narrator. (Remember: articulate and show that you know your own thing!)

Tip 5: be polite and respectful

This is a very basic suggestion, but sometimes it is easy to forget. As an old saying goes: if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. (If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.) This doesn't mean you can't object to other people. This means that when you disagree with the opinions of others, you should express your views respectfully and respectfully.

There are three things you need to keep in mind:

  • The people involved in the discussion are real people, so respect their opinions and ideas.
  • Don't hide behind the screen. If you don't want to make the same comments in person, then it is not suitable for online discussion.
  • Don't growl angrily even if you disagree or have strong feelings about what others have written. It's okay to be passionate about a topic but to argue with reason and logic, not emotionally.

End of discussion

Based on my suggestions for discussion posts, you can confidently say how to write a discussion post that will get you a high score. This means you can participate in any online discussion.

The last piece of advice is: sometimes the professor will ask you to participate in an online discussion and then ask you to write a larger assignment (or even a dissertation) based on your own perspective.

This is more inspiring to write a thoughtful and attractive article, right? Are you more interested in reading more formal discussions than online discussions? Read the sample articles in our thesis database.

Are you unsure if your discussion ideas are correct? Do you need help to improve your ideas and revise your writing? Our modification service can fulfill your needs. You can learn more at the following URL: Professional Essay Writing Services