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Make Body Shaping By Photoshop Experts

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However, the controversial subject's body shaping is, we all like to see ourselves in the mirror in good shape. Forgetting this point of contention, I'm hitting today how can you get the best body ever by editing photos?

So let's start with the photos of you or the models you want to reshape into a good shape. A little and it gives the impression that she has a little stomach here. So let's go clean up and clean up and adjust the pose that we want to do.

We are going to use the puppet tool, but before we do, we want to make sure. We are not working on background because it is flattened we cannot move it. We need to convert this to a faster regular layer.

I know how to do that is hit the alt or double click on the key and then we're just going to convert to zero layers. Now we can go ahead and use our tool so let's go to the editing tool. We're going to go down to the puppet chain here. We see our little frame here, which shows that you know where we can add our mesh and where we can add our points.

So what we want to do is start adding some points or a few pins. So we want to put one here and because we want to lock this. We don't want anything to come out of this area right now. So let's just put a few here and these areas. I want to lock this, so I'm just going over there. lock it up here right now, why not make a few dots here. That we may want to adjust and we will establish another one here and at this point.

We can do is we can select multiple points here, we can select a point by clicking. If you hold down the shift key, we can select multiples. We can now hide the mesh just by clicking on it and then we can just remove it and start reshaping. Now, if you don't like what's going on here, just hit the Shift key.

We are just going to pull these two right now or we can select the individual ones just by simply clicking. You can see how we can do that, but you'd be a little careful. Because you don't want it to move in an unnatural way to create pinches.

So we pull them down a little bit, pull this one down. A little too tight to make it a little more natural. We can actually get to know you there and see how we can really change that to grow back. By increasing your posture a little, turn off the shoulders a little pop that looks like.

Seeing how you can really really change this is a lot of fun. Outside, you don't want to get carried away too much to make it look anorexic. After seeing how we can just change the posture there too it's really fun.

I love this tool and then when you are ready to apply it just to the enter key. Then we can watch if we go, we can go before and after, you can see how we have. Really cleaned up a little bit now the other thing. We can do it if we want to be able to go there and we can do it.

A little bit of finalization here using D liquefies we go here. We're going to go to the liquefaction tool here. Let's take a big paintbrush here and then we can just simply drag it in here very gently.

We can suddenly have a perfectly flat stomach so we're just being nice. I'm just going to mold it a little bit. There is a little pinch there, so we just clean up that pinch there.

We go and if we look at this, we want to compare that just so you know. We can use a pressure-sensitive tablet here, so just click OK to apply it. There we go just went and cleaned really well and of course.

You know when it comes to the ethical side of this, I'm going to let you decide what's right and what's wrong. When it comes to body shaping, I'm just teaching you techniques. Here right now because I know this is a very controversial subject.

Now when you do this, be careful not to overdo it too much because if you start doing too much, be aware that some of your work may start to be questioned, be a little careful.

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