MiraDry: A Stunning Treatment for Excessive Underarm Sweating

Is underarm sweating also become an issue for you in social situations? Are you afraid your shirt will show a  sweat ring when you take off your jacket? Or maybe your clothes are stained due to sweating? So, how do you get free from such embarrassment and discomfort for good?

Well, the overall solution to this problem is miraDry treatment!

Yes, underarm sweating can lead to annoying sweat stains on all shirts. This excessive sweating also is known as axillary hyperhidrosis. It can make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed during important moments. Usually, people choose several solutions to remove the stains, from antiperspirant deodorants to more intense and invasive procedures. But, safe excessive underarm sweating treatments are available. And one of them is known as miraDry. So, let’s have a look at the following guide to know what is miraDry and about its procedure

Table of Content

  • What is miraDry?
  • Effectiveness of miraDry
  • How Does miraDry for Underarms Work?
  • What to Expect During a miraDry Treatment?
  • What are the Procedures Like?
  • Overall Takeaway!

What is miraDry?

miraDry is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that instantly and enduringly diminishes underarm sweat and odor. This treatment basically takes about an hour and offers the desired result. Unlike deodorants packed with chemicals and toxins that are injected into the skin, miraDry uses reliable energy to eradicate sweat glands in the armpits. This makes it a great option and provides a safe, natural, and reliable solution to underarm sweat. 

Effectiveness of miraDry

Some clinical studies show that the average patient experiences an 82 % decline in underarm sweat with just one miraDry treatment. This immediate and permanent underarm sweat treatment is FDA-cleared, safe and effective with high patient satisfaction. It is also a great solution for patients concerned about the daily application of chemicals in over-the-counter and prescription antiperspirants. Regular antiperspirants can reduce sweat by approximately 30 %. But, miraDry is a perfect treatment plan and helps you reach your goals. 

How Does miraDry for Underarms Work?

How Does miraDry Work | Skin City

A special miraWave energy intensely heats and stops the sweat and odor glands.   The handpiece uses a cooling device along with the treatment to guarantee that you abide comfortably throughout the treatment. You will be numbed before the treatment so you will not be able to feel anything. The entire process almost takes one hour. The major side effects of miraDry introduce temporary swelling and soreness around the treatment area. These side effects will go away after a few days. Moreover, you will notice the positive results and can reduce sweating right away. 

The procedure ignites your sweat glands with electromagnetic energy, which further ultimately removes them. This will not regenerate new sweat glands. So, once the miraDry treatment removes these sweat glands, then the results are long-lasting. There are more than 4 million sweat glands in the body, and only around 2 % of them are located in the underarm area. By targeting underarm sweating, miraDry can significantly eliminate every discomfort and embarrassment that may face shortly. 

What to Expect During a miraDry Treatment?

If you are thinking of using a miraDry treatment, then you must first consult with your doctor. Your doctor will instruct you to shave your underarms 2-3 days before the treatment. The clinical experts apply a local anesthetic during the procedure. Before the treatment, the patient may feel uncomfortable. But, the treatment experts may let you keep as much relaxed. The treatment takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete the procedure. 

The swelling will stay for around one week and it is recommended that icing the treated area for the first couple for days. The treatment consists of two procedures, which are spaced 3 months apart to maximize the results. After performing these 2 procedures, you may see the long-lasting effects. 

What are the Procedures Like?

MiraDry Fort Lauderdale - eSSe Plastic Surgery

miraDry treatment requires no surgical incision or cuts. This clinician therapy treats each underarm area with multiple placements of the miraDry handpiece. Local anesthesia is applied to the underarms before the procedure to keep comfort. Your office visit appointment will generally take about 1 or 2 hours. A total of 3 procedures are taken under these treatments, where every procedure is spaced 3 months apart. These will automatically maximize the results and duration. Well! there is minimal to no side effects available in the procedure. 

Your appointed doctor will prescribe mild over-the-counter pain medication and the use of ice packs for a few days. After the procedure, you should be able to return to normal activities or work right after the procedure, and you can typically resume exercise within several days. Some kind of confined soreness or swelling is normal and typically opens within a few weeks. Some patients may face short-term sensation in the underarms or upper arms' skin, which gradually disappears after a few days. 

MiraDry treatments are very popular, and multiple clinical offices are uniquely equipped with the best possible experience. The doctors offer excessive sweating treatments and miraDry treatments. The different national skin and laser offices are led by a professional dermatologist. The facility's focus on research and innovation ensures that clients can expect to receive the finest, minimally invasive skin care treatments in the nation. The skin clinic in Canberra invests in the most advanced lasers in the industry. As a result, clients have access to a wide variety of highly effective, revolutionary skincare treatments. 

Overall Takeaway!

So, now you are aware of miraDry treatment. It can address your excessive underarm sweating, schedule a consultation. The professional experts can evaluate your condition and obtain personalized, medically informed suggestions for treatment. It means now underarm sweat is treatable, and it should never lessen your confidence. Therefore, it is important to keep yourself healthy and have an understanding of what to expect from the procedure.

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