gain weight

Nutrition tips- how to gain weight for underweight people?

Many people talk about losing weight and how hard it is but actually gaining weight is way harder. Here are a few tips that can help you gain weight successfully.

People often think that being overweight or obese is the only problem with weight. What they do not know is that being underweight is also a big problem for people who have a body mass index of lower than 18.5.

Body mass index is the ratio of height with respect to weight. It is an indicator about whether you are underweight, overweight or healthy concerning your weight. Body mass index less than 18.5 indicates that you are underweight and you need to gain some weight. However, this weight gain should be healthy and gradual. Being underweight can increase the risk of fractures, impair the immune system, raise the chance of infection, osteoporosis and fertility problems.

Therefore, it is essential to keep your body in shape and gain some healthy pounds to keep it healthy and strong. In this article, we are going to discuss tips by which you can gain weight if you are an underweight person and face difficulty in gaining weight. These tips are however for people who do not have any physical or mental conditions. Sometimes there are eating disorders operating in people who are underweight and unsupervised efforts to gain weight can trigger breakdowns. If you find yourself in that category, a consultation with a psychologist in karachi might be helpful.

Make sure you eat and drink healthy to do that. Do not have excess sugar or fat intake for it, as it can lead to diabetes, heart diseases and many other complications.

Eat small frequent meals.

If you are underweight because you are suffering from an eating disorder, so you should have small frequent meals. Since people with eating disorders cannot eat a sufficient amount of food in one sitting, you can switch to a different strategy. Having small frequent meals would let you have an adequate amount of required calories. Try having three to five meals per day to fulfil the calorie deficit in your diet.  

Strength training

You should do weight training at least two to three time a week to gain lean muscle mass. It not only lets you gain weight but gives shape to your body. But with strength training, you must make sure that you are getting enough calories intake in the form of food. Have a diet rich in protein if you are doing weight training because protein is responsible for muscle building. You can incorporate squats, bench press and deadlifts as weight training because these exercises engage many muscles of your body. 

Eat a protein-rich diet.

Eat a protein-rich diet that includes egg, chicken, legumes, fish and nuts to gain weight. Along with weight training, you must add 0.8 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of your total weight to gain muscle mass. Moreover, you must add milk to your diet, as it contains protein, vitamin D, calcium and many other nutrients that are essential for your body. Try to incorporate one to two glasses of milk in a day if you are doing strength training, so that you get an adequate intake of protein in your diet. Having an appropriate protein intake is so essential in your diet because it helps in muscle development, hair growth, nails growth, beautiful skin and immune system development.  

Drink high-calorie smoothies or shakes

If you are unable to eat a handful of fruits or other food in a sitting, then you can opt for drinking a shake or smoothie that is nutrient and calorie-dense. You can add fruits like bananas, apples and mangoes along with milk, topped up with some nuts and dates to make it a high-calorie smoothie. You can also add cream, butter, yoghurt, seeds and almonds to make it tasty and add calories to it.

Consult with a nutritionist

Everyone needs a different type of diet plan, either, to gain or lose weight. You must consult with an expert or nutritionist about your case because there are a lot of weight loss myths exists. There is a possibility that one diet plan that worked for someone else does not work for you. Since your body is different from someone else and it has a different requirement, therefore you must consult with an expert. In that way, you can get a personal and well-designed diet plan that will work for you.

Add fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Fruits and vegetables are extremely important for your health. They give you the vital nutrients that you need for your survival. Moreover, they are a source of complex carbohydrates and fibre. They give you good healthy calories and keep your body strong and healthy.


Gaining weight is often problematic for underweight people. But anything can be done in this world if you do it with your heart. Do not lose your hope or get out of the track on this journey. Make sure you consult with your dietician or nutritionist before starting any diet. It may be possible that any diet does not suit you or is harmful to you. Do not have an excessive intake of sugary products like fizzy drinks, ice creams, chocolates and desserts. Also, do not consume high-fat content meals as they can predispose your body towards heart diseases. People with diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders need to follow a specific diet with some restrictions, so it is essential that you talk to a top nutritionist in Lahore first and then start a diet plan. Moreover, consistency is the key to success. Be consistent, stick to a healthy diet, and you will be there eventually.

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