fue transplant- Smart FUE Hair Transplant and its Multiple Benefits

Smart FUE Hair Transplant and its Multiple Benefits

FUE transplant gives patients a safe and secure, minimally invasive hair restoration method. It provides people with baldness or thinning hair natural looking effects in about 9 months.

FUE, also called follicular unit extraction, or sometimes mentioned as follicular unit transplantation, is a kind of hair transplant surgery that includes removing a person's hair follicles from a donor part of the body sides and back of the head.
FUE Transplant method, where these individual follicles are then fixed in the affected or operated area. Usually, with the men having male pattern baldness, this will be the classic hairpin area.

How does it work:

During the hair transplant method in Delhi, individual follicles, generally amid 1 and 4 hairs, are extracted under local anesthesia.
The removal method uses a microsurgical extraction device, between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter, to extract the hair follicles.
The surgeon, using microsurgical needles, then pricks the scalp area to get the grafts.
Our surgeons are experts at fixing the hair in, inserting the grafts at a point and strength that suits the original hair to match a natural and realistic hair pattern.

How long does it take?

An FUE transplant can be experienced in each long sitting, or many smaller sittings rely on the treated area.
It tends to be more time-wasting than strip surgery but does not give the evident and significant scars that the strip method does.
The limit of time for an FUE method can differ, but it normally relies on how many grafts are required to cover the head.
A smaller method, where only around 200 grafts are required, can be performed in a couple of hours.
A larger method of around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts will need a session that extends over two days.

What is Recovery time?

Unlike strip surgery, an FUE transplant does not need large scalp areas to be harvested. There is no longer a cut on the head's back, nor does it give a long scar.
As individual follicles are extracted, It only leaves small, puncture scars, almost can't be seen through the naked eye.
There is rarely any post-surgical pain and distress, with the standard recovery time being less than 7 days.

How long do outcomes last?

Once you have experienced an FUE hair transplant, the outcomes are lasting. While the primary grafted hair will shed a few weeks after the surgery, it will grow back healthy and fit.

Some of the benefits of the FUE method involves:

  • It is a less painful treatment than FUT with no visible marks in the donor area. It is perfect for short sittings and patients in the initial steps of hair loss.
  • It is perfect for patients who would like to wear short hairstyles. It is ideal for candidates who have no difficulty with shaving their heads.
  • It is perfect for mustache or eyebrow restoration too. For most FUE patients, spots reduced vision is the most vital benefit over other hair transplant methods.
  • Another great FUE transplant service is that the patient can wear their hair short or shaved without worrying about noticeable scarring and damage.
  • Some FUT patients prefer to have an FUE method to hide the long scar from a prior FUT scalp cut.
  • Prior FUT patients may also opt for FUE If they have defined scalp flexibility following their FUT surgery.
  • FUE is also a great choice for patients who are not unless good candidates for FUT, whether they have minimum hair at the donor site or have a soft scalp.
  • In such states, FUE can be used to levy follicle units from different areas of the body. Hair picked from the arms, legs, chest, and back are at times the best and only choice for some patients, enabling more people to enjoy a thicker head of hair.


FUE transplant gives patients a safe, minimally invasive hair restoration method. It provides people with baldness or thinning hair natural looking effects in about 9 months. Real, growing new hair is a vital element when picking an FUE method. 

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