Take Knee Walker on Rentals to Get 360 Degree Freedom

Many people feel that choosing one mobility aid between a medical lift chair and a knee walker is an arduous task. However, the fact is both these aids designed for limited mobility people but serves unique purposes.

Mobility aids designed to help those people who have mobility problems on temporary or permanent basis. People with injuries, knee surgery, disability or with balancing problems often chose mobility aids like knee walkers and medical lift chairs available on rental basis. Designed to offer absolute comfort, mobility devices provide a range of benefits to users including reduced pain, greater degree of comfort and increased self-confidence and mobility. Additionally, a person can move outdoors freely and plan outings or lunch parties with friends by using light weight and compact knee walkers.

Knee Walker – Specialized Kind of Mobility Aids

Those people who have undergone knee or hip replacement surgery or facing injury on temporary basis, can regain their independence by purchasing knee walkers available on rental basis. Also known as knee scooters, these scooters are easy to operate by propelling it forward from one leg and keeping other on the padded platform. The new models of knee walkers feature 4 legs for better stability and support to users.  Some of the advanced features of knee walkers are high turning radius, support weight up to 400 lbs, runs smoothly on all terrains, storage basket in front, etc.

Medical Lift Chairs –Powerful and Durable Chairs

These chairs are great alternatives to standard lift chairs as equipped with advanced power lifting system. The power lifting system assists in easy standing from a sitting position by reclining the chair to a particular angle. The user only need to push a button and the chair will automatically recline to angle. 2 position, 3 position and infinite position lift chairs are designed to meet varied needs of physically disabled people.  Padded seat with high back, padded armrests, swing-away and elevated footrests, upholstery available in different colors are some of the features of these powerful chairs. People with knee injury or balancing issues take medical lift chair on rental basis.

Interested people can either buy these mobility aids or they can even take medical lift chairs and knee walkers on rent from reputed Columbia based companies. However, make sure to check the condition of aforementioned mobility aids before taking them on rent.  Many companies offer customization features with these mobility aids as per users’ requirements. So, feel free to disclose your requirements and get mobility aids as per your needs.

Medical Lift Chair Rentals

If a person faces shoulder or joint problem and faces trouble in standing from a sitting position, then he should prefer taking medical lift chairs on a rental basis. The medical lift chairs are battery operated with a motor fitted on its base. By simply pushing a button, the chairs tilts to certain angle which allows users to stand comfortably without putting much pressure on knees. These chairs come with a reclining back which helps a user to sit and relax comfortably and even take a power nap of a short duration. These lift chairs are purely for indoor purposes. 2 position, 3 position and Infinite position are different kinds of medical lift chairs available in the market.

Knee Walker Rentals

Knee walkers are alternative to crutches and suitable to use by those people who are suffering from ankle or foot injury but have good upper body strength. These mobility aids even recommended to people suffering from any disability on temporary or permanent basis. Easy to avail on a rental basis, knee walkers are also known as knee scooters. Users need to keep injured leg on an elevated platform and self-propel the walker with other leg. They are suitable to use for moving around here and there. Light weight and foldable are two kinds of knee scooters available in online market, which user can choose as per his needs.

Indubitably, mobility aids are expensive and everyone cannot afford them. Fortunately, both knee walkers and medical lift chairs are available on a rental basis in the U.S. market. Interested users can take them on rent from a reputed online or offline store.