fue hair transplant

Things You Should Know Before Smart Grafting

Smart grafting is one of the most advanced technologies used in FUE hair transplant procedures. Read this article for more insights about smart grafting.

Hair, no matter the color and type, complements not only our facial appearance but all our entire posture. Hair also forms a sense of identity since it can be styled in different ways. Different cultures also wear different kinds of hairstyles. Like the Mohawk is associated with rock culture. As you can see, there is more to hair than what meets the eye. Of course, you have heard of the phrase ‘having a bad hair day,’ which means having a bad day. Yes, bad hair can influence your day!

However, it reaches a time where hair stops growing, leading to partial or full balding. When this happens, it affects a person’s self-confidence and social skills. One tends to feel lowly and ashamed of oneself, leading to depression and stress. Many who suffer from hair loss don’t know that there are several remedies available to treat this condition. One of them that is highly advanced is called SmartGraft FUE hair transplant

This hair loss treatment is one kind and doesn’t leave a linear scar once the surgery is done. It is also a great hair transplant technique because it is less invasive and restores hair permanently. The patient doesn’t need to take drugs to maintain hair growth or go back to the doctor for maintenance sessions. In just one year, the patient will have full dense hair growing on their scalp for good. Let’s look at how the SmartGraft hair transplant technology works in hair restoration. 

What is SmartGraft FUE Hair Transplant Technology? 

Patients and doctors can now breathe easily and have an easier time restoring lost hair, thanks to the SmartGraft award-winning hair loss treatment. This hair transplantation method has provided a significant breakthrough for practitioners and doctors who provide hair restoration solutions. It is one of the latest hair transplant techniques that work for both men and women who want to restore their beautiful hair. 

In Beverly Hills Hair Restoration, this hair transplant technique promotes new hair growth, where doctors restore thinning spots using the patient’s micro-transplant hair. By doing so, the downtime is reduced. The SmartGraft hair transplant procedure gives a more natural outcome that lasts a lifetime.

How SmartGraft Hair Transplant Works

The hair loss treatment approach used in the SmartGraft technology is follicular unit excision(FUE). Doctors using this approach of hair transplantation isolate and harvest healthy hair grafts from the donor area. The donor area refers to the area where thick hair grows. The best area of the scalp that hardly suffers from hair loss is at the scalp's back. It offers the best donor area. 

Groups of follicular units are known as micro-grafts. After harvesting the hair grafts, the doctor in charge of the procedure keeps themselves in a controlled environment. This helps to prevent infections and increase the survival rate before implementation starts. 

After all the micro-grafts are removed, the doctors from Beverly Hills Hair Restoration will start implanting them individually. A qualified and reputable doctor will implant the hair grafts at the right angle to ensure that they flow just like the original hair. This will give it a more natural look. The procedure leaves no linear scar, plus the patient recovers very fast. 

What Happens After the Procedure

After undergoing the SmartGraft FUE hair transplant procedure, the patient will be advised on how to take care of the scalp. Since the SmartGraft technique is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, the patient only needs a few days to recover. There are several hair products that the patient will have to avoid, which the doctor will state. After a day or two after the SmartGraft procedure, the patient can go back to his or her normal duties. The final result will be seen in 10 – 12 months, where new hair will start growing. 


Smart grafting FUE hair transplant offers the best way to restore lost hair because it is less invasive, and patients recover quickly. The procedure comes with no linear scars and offers a lifetime of thick hair where thinning took place. However, the patient needs to consult the doctor first before considering any hair loss treatment procedure. 

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