Job interview process,  Job interview tips

Tips to crack a job interview

During job interviews, you meet new people, showcase yourself and sell yourself. You need to display your skills and stay upbeat and confident.

In the cut-throat competitive world of today, the process to crack an interview is not a cup of tea. During job interviews, you meet new people, showcase yourself and sell yourself. To survive through the process, you need to display your skills and stay upbeat and confident. This can be a challenge, especially when you’re interviewing for a job you would love to get hired for.

Therefore, you must keep in mind some very important points before and while attending an interview.

Do Research beforehand

Before attending an interview, do some research about your prospective employer and the job role. By doing this, you will be able to answer well when interviewers ask you questions like: ‘What do you know about our company?’ ‘What are our products?’ ‘Who are our competitors?’ etc. with confidence.

Understand Job Requirement

Always ask for a Job Description and job profile before appearing for an interview . Identify your strengths & be clear on what kind of candidate organization is looking for. It will help you to decide your approach during the course of the interview.

Be Punctual

A punctual candidate reveals commitment and interest to the company and job offer. Do not make your interviewer wait for you, you are stealing his/her time and the attitude during the interview will change due to this fact. Being late will mean fewer opportunities to be THE BEST candidate.

You must always arrive fifteen minutes early at the interview venue. It helps you settle down and relax.

Dress well and be Groomed

The first impression is the best impression. You must always maintain personal hygiene. Don’t wear jazzy or bright colored clothes. It gives the interviewer an idea of how serious you are about getting the job as well as your dressing sense. Therefore, you must dress right for an interview.

Never Fudge or fabricate your CV

Organizations are smart & they will find out very easily that you have fabricated your CV. It can create a problem for u in the future and can even spoil your career, so always be honest in your approach.

Be confident

When you are called inside the interview room, walk straight, with a  smile on your face. Look into the eyes of the interviewer with confidence and respond to questions asked, as it will make them feel that you are confident about yourself and your answers.

Maintain a good Body Posture

It is very important to maintain the right body posture. Body language during an interview plays a very important role in making or breaking your career. The way you present yourself leaves a significant impact on your interviewer.

Ask for feedback at the end of Interview

Before the interview closes, ask for feedback from the interviewer irrespective of how your interview went. It gives a very positive impression of a candidate.


Never ever ask for unrealistic salary hikes as it gives the impression that you are not serious about the job and just changing the job for money. 

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