We specialise in medical careers- because we focus exclusively on this area, we can ensure that you will be taught the most up to date, relevant material. We have a dedicated team that allows us to monitor changes in Foundation and GP recruitment and MRCGP exams daily. Our courses are updated several times a year.
Preparing for the GP entry exam requires special preparation and training. The candidates applying for the exam possess a different set of experiences and skills. Regardless of your qualification whether you are a Registrar looking to transfer from different specialty or a foundation doctor, the deciding factor is the preparation you do. Since scoring is done in relation to your performance on the day of the exam alone training for the FPAS SJT is essential. Here are some tips to help you score well.
Why preparation is crucial?
Many candidates a pplying for FPAS wrongly assume that selection is just an extension of the day to day practice. But in reality, the focus is on the difference present between how GPs consult and hospital doctors consult. This can be known only with proper preparation. As competition ratio is very high to as much as 4:1 in a few areas you should be able to know what you will be encountering on the day of the exam to concentrate the preparation so you can justify your capability for the position.
Understand Basics
The SRA is a timed assessment that is computer-based and it is also referred to as MSRA. It is an assessment for different specialties including Radiology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, GP and more. The two-part exam includes SRA questions on problem-solving and professional dilemma sections. The score in the assessment helps shortlist a candidate for the interview or selection. For GP applications exceptional score results in a direct offer without the requirement of passing through the next stage.
Know about Tested Domains
It is best to focus on the SRA questions as they are considered difficult. Early preparation and practicing as many numbers of questions is important to get a high score. Use mock exam questions that help you face the actual entry exam confidently.
Systematic Preparation
Work on one specialty at a specific time. Since the questions are based on common themes, the repetition that comes with practicing the questions helps consolidate your learning.
Timed Papers Help in Better Scores
When you practice on timed papers it will help you manage the given time during the actual examination. You will be able to leave a sufficient time window to check the accuracy of your answers. And when you do the timed papers do the two sections together so you will be more alert during the long 3-hour duration of the exam.
Revise Core Subjects and Domains
With the situational judgment test, your clinical knowledge is not tested but you will find questions that evaluate good practice knowledge based on the General Medical Council guidelines. This includes aspects like child care, raising concerns, advanced directives, social media use, confidentiality, and more. It relates to what a doctor would do ideally in a given situation. Good working or practical knowledge remains key guidance to score well in such questions.
With the GP entry exam attracting thousands of doctors every year, it helps to know the proper way to train for the exam. That way you achieve a high score and get selected directly without any long drawn-out process.
Emedica specialises in helping doctors achieve success in their medical careers, with a focus on General Practice - from GP ST Entry and MRCGP examination preparation to careers guidance after getting your CCT and becoming a qualified GP. We have been the GP Career experts since 2005.
We run various courses aimed at medical students preparing for the Foundation SJT and doctors interested in a career in general practice.
Since 2005 we have trained over 33,500 delegates ranging from junior doctors entering GP training, registrars sitting MRCGP AKT and CSA exams, all the way to GP trainers preparing their registrars for MRCGP.