Most men face erectile dysfunction issues occasionally, especially the ones above 60 years of age. Erectile dysfunction can only be considered as a serious issue if satisfactory sexual intercourse has been impossible to obtain for a several number of occasions for some time and if this same issue persists over and over again, then you need proper medical care and treatment. Your doctor may suggest you some treatment options which can either be through a surgery or suction pumps or ED pills, like the Vidalista 40mg, about which we would discuss today.

Before learning more about this medicine and why you should go for Vidalista 40 mg pills, let's discuss what erectile dysfunction actually is, in brief and what are the causes pertaining to this sexual disorder.


What is erectile dysfunction?

A man is considered to be suffering from erectile dysfunction if he experiences trouble in obtaining or maintaining a strong or a firm penile erection for a sexual intercourse, or if this problem interferes with other sexual activities.

Men who experience problems related to sexual dysfunction can be reluctant to reach out to their doctor or physician, thinking that sexual disorders and ED are embarrassing issues. However, you should know that erectile dysfunction is now more well understood than before and there are several treatment alternatives available, such as surgeries, ED pills and vacuum devices that can cure your grieving issues regarding erectile dysfunction.



Sexual arousal or sexual stimulation in men is a complex process which involves the brain, nerves, hormones, muscles, blood vessels and the person’s emotions as well. Erectile dysfunction can occur due to a problem in the above-mentioned things. In the same way, mental health concerns like stress and anxiety can worsen your erectile dysfunction.

In some cases, a combination of psychological and physical problems can cause erectile dysfunction issues. For instance, a physical problem that slows down your sexual response can lead to feeling anxious regarding maintaining a penile erection and the caused anxiety can worsen erectile dysfunction.


Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction:

Your brain has a key role in causing a series of physical events that lead to an erection, starting with the feeling of sexual excitement. There are many things which can interfere with sexual feelings and lead to or worsen erectile dysfunction, and they are as follows:

·         Depression, anxiety or other mental health complications.

·         Relationship problems due to poor communication among the two, misunderstandings or other concerns.

·         Stress


Physical causes of erectile dysfunction:

In most of the cases, erectile dysfunction is caused due to something physical. Some of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction are as follows:

·         Metabolic syndrome, a condition which involves increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, high cholesterol and body fat around the waist

·         Multiple sclerosis

·         Clogged blood vessels or atherosclerosis

·         High blood pressure

·         Certain prescribed medicines

·         Obesity

·         Parkinson's disease

·         A heart disease

·         High cholesterol

·         Diabetes


What is Vidalista 40 mg?

The active component of Vidalista 40mg is Tadalafil and this ingredient has been proved to cure impotence or erectile dysfunction issues and the symptoms of enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) in men. Tadalafil is a component which works by relaxing the muscles of the walls of blood vessels and by increasing the blood flow to various parts of the consumer’s body.

Another brand of Tadalafil is Adcirca and it is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and it can even enhance exercising capacity in both women and men. You must get your doctor’s approval before using Vidalista 40 mg as it can be dangerous for your body if you are suffering from a chronic condition. Let your doctor know about all the medicines you take on a regular basis because Vidalista might affect the way your medicines work.


How can Vidalista 40 mg cure ED?

Vidalista 40mg ED pills are a type of medicine which can be grouped under a class of drugs known as PDE-5 or phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme inhibitors. Once the PDE-5 enzymes are inhibited after using phosphodiesterase-5, then the concentration of cyclic GMP increases. Once you are sexually stimulated, your body releases nitric oxide, which in combination with the cGMP helps to widen the constricted blood vessels around the male genitals.

Hence, there is a greater level of blood flow into your penile region which causes the formation and maintenance of a sturdy penile erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse.


Things to keep in mind while you buy medicines online:

The internet has evolved over the years and it has affected the way we work, shop and live. It has also become a common place to stock up our medical supplies and since this type of shopping started off a few years ago, there are now hundreds of online pharmaceutical stores on the internet, which sell ED pills and other medications, that you can easily purchase by just logging on to their website or downloading their app. But remember, not all pharmacies you visit online are legitimate and genuine.

Yes, not all ED pills and other drugs which you view online are legitimate and licit. Some of these medications may include hazardous substances, they can be fake or can be dangerous for your health. All you need to do is keep in mind the following points while you buy medicines from an online store:

ü  the store should ask for a doctor’s prescription while you are making a purchase

ü  that online pharmacy must be licensed by the state board of pharmacy

ü  the pharmacy should provide a contact information, either email or phone, through which you can have a conversation with the pharmacist

ü  the online store should have a licensed pharmacist from whom you can ask any queries related to the medicine you are purchasing

One of the most genuine online pharmacies which I would personally recommend to you is this online store as it never fails to deliver best in quality medicines and on time service at affordable rates. Choose what’s best for your health and beware of fake online stores and products!




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