Fire Bee Techno Services Pvt Ltd
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About the Company

Fire bee techno services PVT LTD is an IT services and software development company based out of India. We have software developers, engineers, programmers, software testers with us whom you can hire remotely on an hourly, part-time or monthly basis. You can hire software developers from our pool of resources as per your requirement or hire our dedicated software development team for quality software development. We have a dedicated remote technical team for various technologies and can support customers in 500+ technologies.

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Category IT Company
Size 0 Employees
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Jobs Overview

Fire bee techno services PVT LTD is an IT services and software development company based out of India. We have software developers, engineers, programmers, software testers with us whom you can hire remotely on an hourly, part-time or monthly basis. You can hire software developers from our pool of resources as per your requirement or hire our dedicated software development team for quality software development. We have a dedicated remote technical team for various technologies and can support customers in 500+ technologies.

# Jobs