Blue World City Location & Map When it comes to investing in real estate, location is the most important aspect. Veteran real estate investors always give preference to location and want to put their money where they know the location is going to help yield a profitable return on investment. BWC is located at the helm of 4 major megaprojects of the twin cities. The Blue world city is located on the main Chakri road in MozaSihal. Apart from main access from Chakri Road, the BWC is located at the edge of Lahore – Islamabad Motorway enjoying close proximity to the CPEC route, New Islamabad International Airport, and the Chakri Interchange. The developers of BWC are set to develop this project on more than 60000 Kanals which has enough room to create access from all major roads of Rawalpindi and Islamabad in the future. The Blue world city location and map are readily available and you can download the BWC Map by clicking here. Also, BWC is the only housing society in the region that enjoys close proximity to the proposed upcoming Rawalpindi Ring Road. The Rawalpindi Ring Road is a 66-KM long project that will connect GT road at Rawat to Sangjani Toll Plaza and New Islamabad Motorway. The Rawalpindi Development Authority also has plans of multiple special economic zones along the Rawalpindi Ring Road. This means that after the completion of Rawalpindi Ring Road, Blue World City Islamabad will be one of the only societies that will be the nearest to be able to make an interchange from it. Apart from major accesses, the BWC is located near Capital Smart City, Qurtaba Township, and Eighteen Islamabad, etc. Blue world City map and location are indicative of the fact that this will be one of the largest housing societies in Islamabad. Blue world city Islamabad payment plan