High-tech warnings can be categorized into two main types: Cybercrime, that takes place against an individual, allied, etc. and Cyber warfare, which happens against a state. Cyber bullying can occur straightforwardly by mean the calculatings and viruses or by using Dismissal influential attacks, that is an attempt to make a network or apparatus nonexistent to its planed consumers.A spreadsheet called malware is used to attain to a private calculating, draw sensitive news, or upset calculating operation. Cyberbullying is rambling up intensely as more and more consumers are victimised concerning this type of domineering, though not only teenagers. The problems of cyberbullying are depressing as bureaucracy that create informational flow and ideas smooth, is curving into a dangerous “section” expected.Cyberbullying does not pertain to alone country, but the complete planet.Cyberbullying has as well one description; accordingly high-tech-bullying maybe delimited as skill when the internet, container phones or additional electronic schemes are used to please or post passage or images engaged to essence or disconcert other humans. A position where a infant or teenager is frequently tormented, endangered, badgered, humbled, embarrassed or similarly address
