5 objectives to integrate into your social media marketing strategy

5 objectives to integrate into your social media marketing strategy

By capturing insights from conversations and social media messages and enriching them through profile analysis, brands can better understand their consumers, target their actions and campaigns better, and inform their decision-making for digital marketing.

What objectives for your Social Media Marketing strategy?

Over the years, companies understand more the value of investing in social media and grasp the full meaning and possibilities behind the term “social.”

Brands realize that social networks are no longer an exotic, isolated marketing channel, with an axis dedicated to communication and product promotion. Social networks have proven their usefulness in producing tangible results (watch, leads, social selling) and developing points of contact and then meeting between the consumer and his brand to improve the customer experience, sometimes updated. Wrong.

So much so that in 2019, marketers massively used this channel for their various marketing actions (source social Media Examiner ): 97% use Facebook for B2C, 81% Linkedin, and 75% Twitter for B2B (below ↓).

By capturing insights from conversations and social media messages and enriching them through profile analysis, brands can better understand their consumers, target their actions and campaigns better, and inform their decision-making for digital marketing. Listening to social media will notably allow brands, among many other objectives, to:

  • Develop notoriety
  • Increase communities and target audiences
  • Strengthen engagement and interactions for loyalty and ambassador programs
  • Increase customer satisfaction and positive perception
  • Convert social media contacts into qualified leads for business services

1. Develop brand awareness

As discussed in other posts, developing brand awareness is valuable in reducing the sales cycle’s length, increasing market share, and positioning itself as a leader in its industry. It is necessary to develop a reputation and brand audit that will allow you to assess your positioning and the potential impact of your actions compared to your main competitors. There are many differentiation strategies. We can cite original content creation, personalized according to your targets, the targeting of prospects according to their profile, product development according to the insights collected on social media, and communication axes adapted by socio-demographic interests.

Some indicators will help you monitor and report on this goal. When an indicator has a "business" objective, it then constitutes a KPI.

Mentions: Number of times your brand/product/manager has been named on social media and conversation spaces by integrating covers and shares (RT, share ...)

Impressions: Number of times a message (article, post) has the opportunity to be seen and impact the Internet user. It is a "simple" addition to the audiences.

Reach: The “reach” represents the number of people who received impressions of a post.

Social Sessions:  Number of visits to your site, a blog from your social media, or other social media.

Share of voice:  Most visible brands and subjects vs. competing brands or other brands in the group = X% of mentions of my brands vs. other brands,% of the audience for my brands vs. other brands (or by-products, models). 

2. Increase social media communities and target audiences

The indicators that you can use are:

Community performance:  Number of fans, followers, subscribers broken down by social media channel

Community  growth: Subscriber and fan growth rate by social channel

Community share of voice:  Number of fans and subscribers compared to those of your competitors.

Share of voice by channel

% of communities for each social media compared to your total communities.

 Community growth by media (via Digimind Social)Community growth by media (via Digimind Social)

 3. Strengthen engagement and interactions for loyalty and ambassador programs

The main objective here is to generate a lasting relationship between the target audience and the brand by identifying key people for your brands and your inThereforetherefore; it is necessary to communicate in a targeted manner in collaboration with people who have a certain credibility, legitimacy, and authority in the network. We are not necessarily talking about a high audience among these opinion leaders. Depending on your market, a small community that is very active and involved with an opinion leader is more effective than a large passive community. Essential KPIs for your Social Media ROI

This is why effective social media marketing strategies aim to collect and analyze messages from your users and all stakeholders to detect the profiles to integrate:

influencers with a strong audience

micro-influencers with strong legitimacy

ambassadors with strong sympathy and involvement

Thanks to this, it is possible to influence and accelerate your target audience’s customer journey’s evaluation and comparison phases.

Some indicators that will help you achieve this goal are:

Interaction Performance:  Number of interactions (Likes, ReTweet, shares, repins…), number of comments.

Evolution of Interactions: The growth rate of interactions.

Publication performance:  Number of messages generating interactions greater than a certain number (to be defined), engagement rate per publication.

The population of influencers:  Number of new influencers - ambassadors. % of the target population.

 Measurement of posts generating the most engagement (via Digimind Social)Measurement of posts generating the most engagement (via Digimind Social)

 4. Increase customer satisfaction and positive perception

To improve the customer experience, it is necessary to capture the messages and opinions about your products to measure satisfaction and perception and their evolution over time according to your marketing actions and other company’s strategic actions.

Here are some metrics you can use to measure your goals:


Brand perception:  Feelings associated with your brand and products,% of positive messages, comparative perception of competitors.

Evolution of perception: The growth rate of positive and negative feelings.

Reputation Score:  Sentiments associated with your brands weighted by each voice share.

Response performance: Response rate to queries on social networks.

Resolution performance:  Number of customer tickets resolved over a given period, the growth rate of customer tickets resolved over this same period.

 measurement of satisfaction at different stages of the customer journey measurement of satisfaction at different stages of the customer journey (via Digimind Social)

 5. Convert social media contacts into qualified leads for business services

We are approaching the end of the marketing funnel: your content, your campaigns have generated a certain number of leads on social media, messages from Internet users potentially interested in your brand. It is advisable to measure the volume of leads interesting for sales representatives and business engineers through this type of indicator:

The number of leads from social media/channels over [period]:  Share of marketing leads originating from social media or blogs, transformed into qualified sales leads, and integrated into the CRM platform.

Growth of social media leads [monthly] growth rate of conversions from social leads to sales leads.

Of course, all these objectives must be subject to regular reporting to be analyzed. Predictive and corrective analyzes should then be undertaken. Get better results to hire a social media marketing agency.


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