How to Take Care of Your Home Appliances

Part of home maintenance is taking good care of our home appliances. We all know, these appliances does not come cheap. With this article, you will be able to have an idea on how you could take care of your home appliances.

Home appliances do not come cheap, but of course, obtaining them from a supplier of the best kitchen appliances in the Philippines should last you a decade long use. It goes without saying, that proper maintenance and regular cleaning should prolong the lifespan of the equipment. For all the Praktikal Moms out there, there is probably nothing more enjoyable than keeping your home clean and your kitchen grease-free. Read on to learn a few #PraktikaliTips for cleaning home appliances. From kitchen equipment to garment care machines, here are some of the common home appliances as well as effective and fail-proof ways to take care of them for long-lasting use. 



If there is one part that you must not forget cleaning it must be the refrigerator’s condenser coils. These coils are responsible for removing the heat from the inside of the fridge which maintains the overall temperature. However, these coils are exposed to dust and dirt. This debris latches onto the coils which makes it difficult for the refrigerator to work efficiently. Once these coils begin to work harder, your refrigerator deteriorates because the motor eventually gets heated. Not only that, but expect your bills to shoot up drastically! 


To clean the condenser coils, take a vacuum and go over the coils to suck the cobwebs that might have got stuck around them. Once you have removed the cobwebs, take a brush attachment and use it to take off the leftover dust and debris. Apart from the coils, another important part to clean is the rubber seal along the door’s edge. As you may notice, it is the part responsible for holding the door in place and keeping the cold air inside. Spreading a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the rubber seal should keep it from cracking and allow you to keep a tight seal when the door is closed. 


Oven and Stove

Ovens typically have self-cleaning features. Simply set the temperature to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit to burn everything off. The burnt particles or leftover crumbs are then easier to pick up with a damp cloth. If you are to perform the self-cleaning method, make sure to heat up the oven for only up to 4 hours to prevent the fuse from damaging. 


As for the stovetop, make sure the gas burners are not blocked by grease, oil, or leftover crumbs. For electric stovetops, make sure there are no particles on the coils that could burn up and stink the house. Wiping with baking soda mixture or simply damp cloth and dishwashing liquid should remove the grease and the stubborn stains due to frying.


Air Conditioner

For the non-handy mom, call your husband to perform the cleaning of the coils and condenser. The two main parts of an air conditioning system that needs to be regularly cleaned are the condenser located outside the house and the evaporator coils that sit above the air conditioner. By vacuuming the evaporator coils fins, you are able to remove any dirt build-up. If there is any ice build-up on coils and fins, you will have to call for professional assistance as there is particular cleaning equipment used to remove it. Finally, use a water hose with a moderate flow of water to wash off the debris attached to the condenser. 


Washing Machine

Powdered detergents leave a film on the inner surface of a washing machine. This build-up is a conducive environment for mold growth. To remove this, simply wash off with water and lightly scrub the walls to prevent scratches. Inspect the hoses found at the back of the washing machine for any tears that may cause leaks. Simply wipe off the hose with a clean dry cloth and vigorously run through parts with stains and moss buildup. 


Clothes Dryer

Before anything else, cleaning the lint filter after every cycle is necessary to prevent the clothes dryer from working harder each and every use. After 3 to 4 weeks of doing laundry, make sure to clean your dryer to remove any build-up on other parts aside from the lint filter. Simply unscrew the back panel to gain access inside. When you do this, make sure the dryer is unplugged from the power source. Finally, have your husband check the dryer exhaust duct for any trapped lint. Otherwise, have a professional equipment cleaning service provider to do the job for you. 


Key Takeaway


The best kitchen appliances in the Philippines deserve much love and care. They have served you in the kitchen and cleaning them is the best thing you can do to prolong their lifespan. Take these tips into consideration to make the most out of your home appliances. On a final note, the amount of care and maintenance you apply to your home appliances should determine their service life. No matter how durable a piece of equipment is, not knowing how to take care of it reduces the chances of its usability. 

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