Instagram hashtag feed

Benefits of Embedding Instagram Hashtag Feed on Website

Instagram is like a virtual home for people these days. Wherever people are, they are scrolling over the feed and commenting ‘haha’ emoticon on memes. Memes and UGC are people’s favorite. Instagram has been a constant leader in engaging people with visually appealing content. The users are flaunting global brands to be their official social influencers.

All of this begins with a hashtag!

Yes. These four lines intersecting each other can help connect your brand with the users!

Hashtags play a vital role in the digital marketing aspect, as it develops an interest in social media profiles. When a hashtag is added to a post, it helps categorize the content for the audience.

Hashtag- A Magic Wand for Your Brand

Let’s explore the power of a hashtag and how it can do magic for your brand. Hashtags can offer variants of purposes, as for the users and the brands. 

For the users, hashtag lets them find relevant posts to their interests. They can also connect with other users with similar interests and interact with them by joining conversations with a specific hashtag. 

For brands and businesses, a unique hashtag allows you to be get noticed in a conversation and can represent a topic. The game of hashtags can bring your brand up if you use it the right way, at the right place, and for the right reason. It can establish a strong digital presence for your brand and can grow a community on Instagram. 

Ace the Instagram Game

Instagram is a crazy competition for businesses doing their marketing activities. You have to make sure the content is apt and it interacts with the users. Embedding an Instagram feed to your website could be like a rocket for your social media marketing move. It can link you and your audience easily with interactive communication.

A goal without a hashtag is just a wish! 

Instagram Hashtag Feed: The Marketer’s Need

With a huge potential to give a boom to engagement, leading to much more profitable aspects, the marketers are embedding Instagram hashtag feed on the website. Here is how an Instagram feed can benefit your brand and its digital marketing strategies.

1. Ascendancy of UGC

By implying a hashtag campaign, the focus of brand engagement turns to the website. Get your customers involved in the campaign and see how they love to get involved in being a part of your brand. 

As the users start creating content for you and upload it on Instagram with a dedicated hashtag, you get content for your social wall. With more user-generated content, comes more interaction. Alongside, the use of user-submitted posts, photos, and videos can help generate brand awareness.

2. Vividly Viral

Everybody is looking for fame. They want to get viral.

As the brand expertise in creating and sharing viral content, it would engage the users and booms sales. Hashtag feeds on a website can drive the customers to the website for the viral content, which would be accessed for years even post-release.

With the use of long-going viral content, marketers can make wise advertising move with a great return on investment. 

3. Minimized Bounce Rate

Embedding the Instagram feed on the website takes the users directly to the website instead of the social media platform itself. And when the users are directly taken to your website, the embedded Instagram hashtag wall improves the visual experience of the users. 

They can enjoy the whole picture of your brand and Instagram feed together. This helps in maximizing the dwell time and reduces the bounce rate to give you more conversions.

4. Hop and Shop

As Instagram launched the shop option from the posts directly, there is much more power in the Instagram wall. The users can now enjoy the shoppability factor and purchase the products in real-time from the embedded hashtag feed. 

With this feature empowering the marketing factors, you can convert the moment of inspiration into a sale. It adds up the website with better discoverability of the products.

The visual content directly from the users with such an option can instantly attract the user and it lets you convert them into a customer. 

5. Brand Reinforcement

Get started with a dedicated, unique hashtag that is relevant to your industry and brand to strengthen your brand image. Use the hashtag in every post to motivate the audience and make it reach maximum users. 

Integrating an Instagram hashtag feed on to your website will help you boost its reach and viability. With more people recognizing your brand via a unique hashtag, it creates a stronger brand reputation.

Make your Move…

An Instagram hashtag feed embedded on a website has a lot to do with marketing. And for the right step to take, you have to shake hands with an expertized social media aggregator like Taggbox. 

A perfect mash of professional outlay with a creative touch is what you need for your Instagram wall on the website.


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