Do you know these 4 benefits to make facial masks at home?

There are many benefits to making your own homemade face masks. Do you want to live a more natural lifestyle? Or do you have a budget now but still want to look good? Maybe you want to make a small additional income? Together we discover these reasons and help you on your journey to beautiful and happy skin! It's natural Natural face masks are great for people with skin allergies and also for people with hypersensitive skin. They contain 100% organic fruits that contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are good for you. Store-bought masks tend to contain unproven chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

There are many benefits to making your own homemade face masks. Do you want to live a more natural lifestyle? Or do you have a budget now but still want to look good? Maybe you want to make a small additional income? Together we discover these reasons and help you on your journey to beautiful and happy skin!

It's natural

Natural face masks are great for people with skin allergies and also for people with hypersensitive skin. They contain 100% organic fruits that contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are good for you. Store-bought masks tend to contain unproven chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

The US Federal Drug Administration. USA It has a list of more than 10,000 chemicals. Of that, more than 90 percent have never been tested. Of course, just because a chemical hasn't been tested doesn't mean it's bad.

However, in Europe, the government has already banned more than 1,000 ingredients. Unfortunately, do you know how many the FDA banned? Only 10! Let's be honest; Skin care products may be doing more harm than good.

Do you have any of these allergy symptoms associated with skin care ingredients?

redness of the skin
sensitivity to the sun
Burning or itchy skin
Scaly patches of skin
Oozing blisters
Swelling of the eyes and face
So why not try a natural face mask at home? You only have toxins to lose.

It is easy

Do you have problems with your skin products at home? Masks can be the solution. Homemade masks are easy to prepare and take no more than 10 minutes to prepare. Apply N95 Face Mask for 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a washcloth. After that, you can leave to start your day!

Make your own masks with some simple ingredients and utensils:

Fruits and / or food of your choice at your local health store (preferably 100% organic)
A soft washcloth
An exfoliating scrubber (I recommend Johnson's Pure Cotton brand)
Some containers (I recommend glass)
A blender
It is cheap

You don't have to break the bank to look good at home. Masks are as effective as store-bought masks - and at a fraction of the cost!

The reason is that many of the ingredients for a mask are found in your kitchen pantries and refrigerators. Since all face masks only use fruits and whole foods, you only need to look at your home first. Of course, if you don't have the ingredients, go to your local health store. There you will find the most unusual ingredients.

While I wouldn't recommend mixing your favorite skin care product with food, mix your homemade versions! Leftover supplies can be saved for another batch or used in your tasty home cooked meals! However, keep in mind that not all ingredients will be appropriate to eat.

It is convenient

Make your own personal face masks at home! The masks take only a few minutes and you apply them for only 15 minutes.

While you're away on business or on vacation, it's easy to keep wearing the face masks as they are also very portable.

It's also easy to add more ingredients or experiment with different types to meet different needs.

Note, however, that since the ingredients are perishable, find a cool place to store or use it quickly. Use it for up to 3 days when traveling. When there is a noticeable odor or color, the product has been spoiled. Discard the product as it may contain infectious germs.

Bases and homemade ingredients for masks

Making your own masks, creams, and skin care treatments at home is easy if you know how. You have probably heard of ingredients like CoQ10, copper, retinol, AHA fruit acids, DMAE or papain and many others that are often promoted in beauty ads.

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