massage gun

Best Massage gun uk

What is a massage gun?

Like many things, the history of the massage gun began in the United States, which has already become an integral part of every naturopath or athlete. But he has also arrived in Germany because he provides a comfortable massage wherever uncomfortable tension arises.

Basically, a massage gun is an electric massage device that is mainly powered by rechargeable batteries to achieve a high degree of flexibility. As a rule, it works with quick and powerful thrusts, affecting the body with a deep massage. Through strong direct and above all selective pressure, deep muscle tension and tissue problems can be easily and easily resolved.

The massage gun turns out to be very useful, especially for athletes, as the regeneration time after training is significantly reduced. According to various best massage guns. It not only weakens the muscles, but also promotes blood circulation, for example, compared with deep tissue massage or trigger therapy.



The function of the massage gun:

The massage gun is, according to various massage gun reviews, a true all-rounder when it comes to targeting different muscle areas. In addition, various attachments can be attached to the gun to target specific areas of the body.

For example, while the fork head is used for spine and neck treatments, the round head is suitable for particularly large muscles. The tapered head is commonly used in the heel, foot and wrist area. Depending on the essay, the pain is relieved or muscle stuck or tension is relieved. In addition, the massage gun is a great help for sore muscles to speed up muscle regeneration.

If we take a look at the different Massage Gun Tests Look, we find that the massager is the optimal aid for the glued and twisted fascia so that unpleasant back pain often occurs. The muscle fascia, so to speak, surrounds the muscles and separates them from each other to avoid unwanted friction. The task of the fascia is to keep the body flexible and to ease the work of the muscles.

Most massage guns operate at different speeds that can be adjusted individually. The so-called beats per minute can be found in the percussion-per-minute value, which tells you how quickly the device works with each revolution. The piston of the device knocks up and down, so that, depending on the set speed, up to 3.200 strokes can be achieved. The fast vibrations reduce tension, relax muscles, improve mobility and promote metabolism.

But sometimes too much of a good thing is not good. Massage guns are not devices that should be used for long periods of time According to health professionals, a maximum of one minute in one spot is sufficient to avoid the excessive irritation and inflammation of the skin that inevitably occurs during coating.

I am Constance. As a mother of two small children, I follow a balanced diet, often buy organic food from the store, and use only natural care products. I consistently separate my trash and pay attention to their sustainability when shopping.

As the author of this Massage gun comparison I have collected five of the most popular products for you. I didn't pick them by chance, but I paid particular attention to the positive reviews in customer reviews.

To you that buy a massage gun to make it easier, I have summarized you all relevant purchase criteria. You will also find a lot of information in my guide. He should inspire you to think about it Massage gun suggestion to make and choose the right product for you.

I also consulted the input from Sifting Warrantees. Is there one out there Massage test winner given, you will find the link in my article. This is useful to read, because only then can you be sure that you will find your loved one.




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