Goat Online

Buy Premium Quality Goat This Eid from Pashubajaar During Lockdown

Pashubajaar is an excellent initiative by The Nandi Nandan Breeds and Seeds India Pvt Limited, a sister concern of The Goat Trust.

When we offer something to almighty, we must select the best possible thing for it. Whatever we get in our life is all because of God and when we get the scope to show our devotion to God, we should not compromise. Whatever we offer to the supreme lord will come back to us in the future as a blessing. For that reason, in this Bakrid, you should buy the best premium quality goat from Pashubajaar.(Sister concern of The Goat Trust)

This year, when you are confined in your home for the Coronavirus outbreak, you must know that you have the opportunity to buy premium Goat for Eid Qurbani from online. Although the virus can stop many of our daily works, it cannot come in between you and your devotion to Allah. Pashubajaar is here to help you in this situation. From the website you can buy the best quality bucks suitable for Bakrid sacrifice.

How to select the Bakra for Qurbani?

According to the Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules and Regulation, the goat you will choose to sacrifice should not have certain characteristics. It is the custom to offer the best domestic animal you can afford. After the sacrifice, the meat will be distributed into three equal parts. While one part is for the poor and needy people, the other part is for friends, family, and the last part you can keep for yourself.

While selecting the Goat for Eid Qurbani, you have to keep in mind that the animal should not blind, lost eyesight, one eye blind, lost one-third of the horn, lame, thin, and have a missing tooth. Apart from that, you check the physical feature of the goat and make sure it is the healthiest of the lot. Take a close look at the loin part of the goat and buy the goat that has the widest loin.

How Pashubajaar delivers the goat?

Pashubajaar is not an ordinary website that only here for the commercial transaction of goats. Rather, it is a platform for the ultra-poor section of rural India for empowering through goat farming. They lease goats to rural women and train them so that they can earn their daily living. During the lockdown, when most of the businesses are closing their shutter, they are helping the commercial and non-commercial goat farmers through this imitative.

The team of Pashubajaar (the sister concern of The Goat Trust) makes sure that every goat must receives timely vaccination and deworming medicines. In this way, they have to build a huge collection of best quality goats all over the country. 

How you can order: If you want to buy the Goats online this year, then you have to visit their website. On the upper tab, you will find the names of the available breeds. Check out all those categories to know the features written over there. You have to choose the goats and add the required number. Though for normal goats you have to buy in bulk, the premium goats can be purchased in a limited number. The seller will contact you to confirm the purchase. The goats will be delivered at your doorstep or any other given address on the delivery date.   

On the other hand, Pashubajaar is a trusted online platform where you can buy Goat Online (Bakra Online). You can select the many breeds like Osmanabadi, Betal, Black Bengal, Barbari, Sirohi, Jamuanapari, and many other local goat breeds. Also depending on your choice & requirement, you can select the best goat in wide range. Whether you want Jamunapuri or Beetal; Pashubajaar  is efficient enough in delivering you the right goat in affordable price from the others.

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