Nowadays mankind faces many problems that can be described as global such issues affect large groups of people all around the world. An extremely fast technical progress of the past centuries caused a phenomenon known as pollution. With each technogenic catastrophe occured, new factory built, or even a plastic bag thrown out, the rate of pollution becomes higher and higher. Today, many scientists are trying to solve this issue in numerous different ways since it causes more and more problems for the mankind
Global Issues: Pollution
Nowadays mankind faces many problems that can be described as global such issues affect large groups of people all around the world. An extremely fast technical progress of the past centuries caused a phenomenon known as pollution. With each technogenic catastrophe occured, new factory built, or even a plastic bag thrown out, the rate of pollution becomes higher and higher. Today, many scientists are trying to solve this issue in numerous different ways since it causes more and more problems for the mankind. The pollution is a global issue triggered by technical progress and indiscretion of men that influences the atmosphere in a dangerous way and requires solution.
General Description of the Issue
Pollution is a global issue familiar to people all around the world. China, Russia, the USA, the UAE, the UK in all these and many other countries scientists and volunteers are trying to solve the problem of pollution. It affects the whole world since highly polluted atmosphere, waters, and soil cause diseases and impair the environment. Over the last centuries, people has made a technological revolution and the velocity of progress increases annually. Nowadays our life is much easier than it was before, but the price mankind pays for technical progress is very high. Many devises and vehicles used by people pollute the environment daily: exhausts, radiation, sound effects, and etc.
Taking into account the population of Earth, the rate of pollution in the nearest future may become even higher. Numerous factories that provide various products necessary in daily life produce pesticides and dangerous gas, polluting waters, air, and soil (Kukreja n.d.). Also, technogenic catastrophes on such plants caused by men’s ignorance trigger hazardous effects on the environment and people because after such disasters the atmosphere remains polluted for many decades. The perfect example of such scenario is the Bhopal disaster, which was caused by the equipment malfunction and had terrible consequences which still remain unsolved (Benge, 2014). Also, such type of pollution as noise pollution is the inseparable component of urban life: people who live in big cities are affected daily by machine noise, loud music, etc. So, as seen, pollution is a global issue that affects people all around the world and can be described as a payment for technical progress. By building more factories and using more dangerous devices, people themselves increase the rate of the pollution that is already rather high.
Effects of the Pollution
Polluted environment causes many negative effects on people throughout the world; such affections vary from harmless allergies to different forms of cancer. Air contamination caused by gas from factories and automobiles exhausts can evoke asthma and even lung cancer. Moreover, because of air pollution mankind faces with the phenomenon of acid rains and greenhouse effect. Also, the polluted environment is dangerous for flora and fauna and makes the population of animals and plants decrease annually. Since there is no mechanism that separates industrial waters from seas and rivers, fishes, water mammals, and sea vegetation suffer enormously. For example, many dolphins are dying because of spilled oil (Dizard, 2015), and this problem is still not solved. The level of aqua pollution is so high that people are constrained to use filters to have pure water since the contaminated one is full of dangerous substances and microorganisms that may provoke diseases. If fruits and vegetable that people consume grow on the polluted soil, morbific components can easily invade human organism. Noise pollution is no less dangerous than other types of pollutions since it affects mental health. Sleep problems, depressions, stress, hypertension all these are the consequences of the noise pollution that is the main disaster in urban cities.
Also, technogenic disasters make the entire situation much worse. A general amount of hazardous products ejected into the atmosphere, waters, and soil after a catastrophe on a plant of factory immediately results in all kinds of contamination. In case of such emergency, the polluted soil becomes inappropriate for agriculture, infected water may cause deadly diseases, and thousands of people die in their own houses in the first hours after the catastrophe. The most exponential examples are the Bhopal disaster and the Chernobyl disaster; both Bhopali and Ukrainians are still suffering from the consequences of the accidents. Therefore, the results of the pollution are terrible: spoiled food and water, dying animals and plants, the emergence of many dangerous diseases, and etc.
Solution to the Problem
Of course, such issue as pollution should be eliminated as soon as possible; therefore, many scientists are constantly developing new ideas and strategies, trying to solve the issue on both individual and legal stages. Many of the proposed projects base on the improvement of the devices and vehicles that are being used now to make them less dangerous. For example, the UAE produces a large quantity of the electric cars, which are much less dangerous for the environment than ordinary vehicles (Baldwin, 2017). Similar projects, aimed to change the everyday life in order to reduce the rate of pollution, are the usage of solar batteries and pollution control equipment, trash sorting, and others. Furthermore, in many countries governments create laws that provide a juridical responsibility for pollution. Such projects stimulate the factory owners to be more careful with the equipment (not to use a defective one) and the industrial process (to avoid less expensive and more dangerous methods of manufacturing). Also, numerous states establish penalties for throwing trash on the streets such laws are necessary to make changes on the individual level.
Another tool used for fighting the contamination are the volunteer organizations which aim to reduce the consequences of pollution and to try to improve the overall situation by planting trees, transporting endangered animals to reserves, etc. Such organizations have various programs, and anyone who wants to be engaged in improvement of current situation can easily join them. Nowadays, people acknowledge the danger of idleness in such circumstances, so more and more projects and campaigns on the issue solving appear, with some of them becoming very popular throughout the world (as the Earth Hour, for example). Thus, apart from solving the issue of pollution on individual and legal stages, scientists and volunteers try to popularize new devices and a lifestyle, which can reduce the rate of the pollution.
In conclusion, pollution is one of the most topical issues of the modern world since it affects the environment, flora, fauna, and people’s health. The main causes of pollution are technical progress and human ignorance, both of them being equally dangerous. The consequences of global contamination are terrible: polluted food and water cause physical health problems, urban noise triggers mental diseases, and environment, spoilt as a result of a technogenic catastrophes and greenhouse effect, immediately results in thousands of victims. The ways to solve issue divide into individual and legal stages: there are many laws, projects, and campaigns that popularize the everyday usage of devices and vehicles that are safe to the environment. Apart from that, there exist various volunteer organizations which promote the green lifestyle to a great extent. Therefore, the issue of pollution is recognized as the global problem and is tried to be solved by many different ways. This article was written by Red Gun . More my works you can see here