How to access .onion Links on the Darknet

.onion Links is the links that is used as an extension when a user or an individual uses the dark web. The world of internet is a huge where a lot of information and data can be found.

.onion Links is the links that is used as an extension when a user or an individual uses the dark web. The world of internet is a huge where a lot of information and data can be found. Most of the user and consumers use the surface web for their purpose. The pages that are on the surface web are usually indexed mapped tracked by the search engines. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are responsible for maintaining all the activity that the users search for their purposes. .onion Links are used by the Deep Web Sites Links.

History of the .onion Links:

Darknet recently was used by the United States Government operatives who were on the mission that was top secret. As using the traditional surface websites would be fatal for their operation and would put the operation in danger, the operatives of the United States Government used the much-preferred Darknet to communicate with other operatives operating elsewhere. Tor is derived from the acronym that is the onion Router.

The onion router efficiently and cleverly directs traffic through a network of worldwide volunteer relaying the information more than seven thousands times to conceal the user location from threat actors who try to hijack the information and use it for their personal gain. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity to the user: this includes visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms.

Surface web vs. the Dark Net

Deep Web Sites Links are links ending with .onion links and these .onion Sites Links are part of the Darknet. The Dark Web and the Deep Web comprises the about 90% of the internet. The surface web covers the basic social media, new sites, shopping, rb_blog, etc.

The other is the Deep Web which contains data of government agencies and trade unions. All the Deep Web pages and their sites along with the addresses are listed in the Deep Web directories. This portion of the internet is often associated and known for its privacy protection connection services like Tor .onion urls directories. The deep web contains a constantly updated torrent of raw, unchecked information, surging with complex technical terms and many diagrams. These are documents that keep records for things like census data, NASA mission data, patents, and academic paper databases. According to detailed study conducted by researchers and academicians who study the .onion links which is the extension that is used in every web page or websites that is associated with the Darknet have come out with an astounding data. The data is in comparison of both the system that is the surface web against the Darknet.

The whole of the surface web including the dark web and the deep web comprises of the internet among which the share of the surface web is only 20 terabyte which is terms of percentage is 5 % of the information available on the internet. On the other hand the Deep Web comprises of around 8 terabytes of information.

How to search the Deep Web

Where to find the right information from the source is the key to finding the perfect place where all your queries will be solved. The deep web is more vast then the surface when seen in terms of content availability. The main advantage of using the deep web is that information is distributed in servers spread across various location which is not the case when it comes to surface web. There are a large number of Deep Web directories for all the types of subject ranging from banking to business to economics etc.

Paywalls is the special type of software designed by software programmers whose function is to block searches and restrict users from getting the desired results. The function of the paywalls is to keep the contents behind the secure line which if needs to be accessed by any user researching on the Deep Web directories for information of any sorts have to pay a minimum of 50 dollars.

Tools to get past paywalls

Google Chrome browser extension Unpaywall is the tool which crawls through the web for a free version of the content the user is looking for. Though it does not always guaranteed free results but in most cases it works perfectly and smoothly. JSTOR is another such tool which will help you find the perfect material that the user is looking for free when surfing or browsing through the Tor .onion urls directories. The database which helps locate .onion Links pages with accurate materials is favored by many scholars and academic researchers who are frequent on the Darknet. is a gigantic database of media that contains sound recording, videos, and rare books. Library of Congress is a Digitized archive of everything that is entered into the Library of Congress. is another such government research archives, complete with a history of all studies undertaken by the government.

How to access .onion Links Websites

Any user can access an .onion Links through the Tor browser which is a modified version of the of the Mozilla Firefox browser that is used to access the surface web websites. The Tor browser the advanced version of the Mozilla Firefox is fitted with the latest integrated scripts and other add-ons to protect the user privacy while browsing Deep Web directories.  If a user wants to do access the deep web, he has to first download and install the latest version of the Tor browser. Once the file has been downloaded and premium version of VPN is activated, the user can be able to access the deep web and go through the contents.

How to find an active Onion Sites

Google Search indexes and maintains the records of each and every websites, pages one at a time. The system that Google uses to go through the submitted websites is called Web crawlers (spider).

  1. Hidden Wiki
  2. Deep Web Links-Dark Web Links
  3. TORCH
  4. Not Evil
  5. Daniel’s Onion Link List Raspberry Pi Directory.