create Bell Canada Email Account

How to create Bell Canada Email Account

Create Bell Canada Email Account

To create Canada bell email account you have to follow some steps. These steps are mentioned below. You have to follow these steps in the given sequence.

Easy Steps to Create Bell Canada Email Account

The steps to create bell Canada email account are enlisted here. You have to follow these steps in the given sequence.

Step-1: Open your preferred web browser on the device.

Step-2: Type and search on it.

Step-3: Look for the icon of ‘Login / Register’ on the top right corner. 

Step-4: Click to open it. Ensure to have registered for the Bell account*

Step-5: Type in your username and password.

Step-6: Click on the icon of ‘Login’.

Step-7: Now, choose your internet service from the left side. 

Step-8: Click on the icon of ‘Internet overview’.

Step-9: Scroll down to the section of ‘Manage Bell email’.

Step-10: Click on it to select it.

Step-11: Select the option of ‘Create a new email’.

Step-12: This will open the Registration Window.

Step-13: Type your First Name.

Step-14: Type your Last Name.

Step-15: Choose the desired language for communication.

Step-16: Now, create a Bell email address.

Step-17: Develop a secured password for the account.

Step-18: Ensure to use alphanumeric characters to avoid fraudulence. 

Step-19: Re-enter your password for confirmation.

Step-20: Click on the icon of Save.

*Before executing the Step-5 users must have registered for the Bell Account. If you haven’t already registered for the service then click on the register now button. For this, you will need two things i.e. Bell Aliant account number and postal address of installed services. Apart from these two, you may also need to give in your first and last name.

Once you click on the save icon you may be displayed with the message ‘Your Bell email address has been created and is ready to use’. This will allow you to use your new email address as per your convenience. 


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