Piles Medicine

These Are Foods To Eat As a Piles Medicine If You Suffer From Piles

Piles or hemorrhoid is a condition that leads to pain, discomfort, and irritation while passing stool. It is caused due to inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum area.

Piles or hemorrhoid is a condition that leads to pain, discomfort, and irritation while passing stool. It is caused due to inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum area. There are two types of piles one internal and external, and one can suffer from both simultaneously.

Piles can also lead to bleeding not just while passing the stool but anytime. It is recommended to monitor one's diet and construct a plan that helps to diminish the problem.

Here are a few foods which can help you deal with as Piles medicine.

Whole grains -

People suffering from piles are advised to include a lot of healthy whole grains into their diet like bran cereal, brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta. These fiber-rich foods soften the stool and help reduce the pain.

Leafy green vegetables -

Green vegetables are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that help with digestion. Strengthening the digestive system is important while treating piles. Broccoli, onions, sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, Brussels, cabbage, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber are some of the vegetables that one should consume while battling piles.

Fruits -

Fruits are high in nutrients, fiber, minerals, and vitamins that help to regulate the bowel movement. Fruits that can be eaten with their skin on like apples, prunes, raisins, grapes, berries are full of fiber and are very beneficial. The ones that have to be eaten without the skin are good too, for example, papaya, banana, oranges.

Beans -

High in fiber content beans should be included in regular meals of a piles patient. Kidney, black, lima, navy beans, black-eyed peas, legumes are some good options.

Piles or hemorrhoids are a condition caused by increased pressure due to pregnancy, being overweight, or straining during bowel movements. 

It is often gets treated without surgery or even procedures performed by the doctor at the office. You can help to treat piles by starting with over-the-counter products and lifestyle changes you can also buy piles supplements. If you are pregnant and suffering from homorrhoids then you should consult your gynaecologist before you try any medicine or change your diet.

Try warm "sitz baths" make sure the water is not hot. This is a time-honoured therapy: Sit in about 3 inches of warm water for 15 minutes or so, several times a day. This helps reduce swelling in the area and relaxes your clenching sphincter muscle. It's especially good after the bowel movements.

You can also try putting a little petroleum jelly just inside your anus to make pooping hurt less. Make sure you are not forcing it.

Add maximum vegetables, fruit, nuts, and whole grains in your diet to avoid constipation.

If you can't get enough fibre from food, your doctor may want you to take a fibre supplement or stool softener. Don't take laxatives, because they can cause diarrhoea that could irritate hemorrhoids.

Most importantly drink seven to eight glasses of water each day, at least a half-gallon total. If the climate is hot or you have undergone physical activity then you should increase the amount of water you drink.

Hermorrhoid or piles occur when the vein in your anus or lower rectum swell.  While, hemorrhoid that bulges outward from the anus is known as prolapsed piles, and it can be pretty painful.

Internal hemorrhoid is a type of piles which are developed within the rectum. However, internal piles can become prolapsed if it pushes down from the rectum and bulges out from the anus.

The other kind of piles is external, and it forms directly on the anus. External haemorrhoids can prolapse too.

The rectum is the lowest section of the intestine, and the anus is the opening at the bottom of the rectum through which the body expels faeces.

However, less than 10 per cent of all hemorrhoid cases is treated surgically. Instead, the doctor will first consider less invasive treatments like natural supplements for piles for prolapsed hemorrhoids.

External piles with a blood clot can be treated surgically with an external hemorrhoid thrombectomy.

This minor operation involves the removal of piles and the draining of the wound. Ideally, the procedure should be done within three days of the clot’s formation.

A more involved operation to treat grade 4 and some grade 3 prolapsed piles is a full hemorrhoidectomy. During this, a surgeon will remove all hemorrhoid tissue.

While it’s effective in treating the symptoms of the piles, recovery from this operation can be long and painful. Complications, such as incontinence, can also develop from a full hemorrhoidectomy.

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