E-commerce Business

Tips to Optimize Your E-commerce Business for More Profits

Ecommerce businesses tend to suffer a great deal if they do not adopt the right tactics. What do you think can help an e-commerce business succeed?

Do you wish to be the next Jeff Bezos? Do you own an e-commerce business and want to earn huge profits? Then let it be known to you that the products alone will not do the job. Although you might face problems like zero sales and server issues in the beginning. But optimization is the key to attracting more people towards your business.

Here are a couple of tips to help you optimize better:

Design an Impressive Homepage

Remember that you do not have a physical shop. So, you cannot hire an interior designer to work his magic and attract passersby to your well-decorated outlet. In the case of an e-commerce business, your homepage is your outlet. Therefore, hire a website developer/designer if need be and make the most attractive homepage.  

As an e-commerce business owner, you do not have much time on your hands. Only a few seconds can make or break a deal. Make the most out of those few seconds and convince the visitor to stay. Design and usability – two aspects that your homepage should be good at.

Opt for the A/B testing to see which homepage works the best for your business. As this will be the deciding factor for the visitors converting into customers. I have come across many business pages especially of mfg staffing companies that have very eye-catching homepages. 

On-Page SEO

Once you set up your e-commerce business, do the following:

  • Setting up a simple URL structure. Google loves it
  • Do not forget to add labels, product descriptions, tables, specifications and pictures
  • Meta descriptions, keywords and titles – all should be according to Google’s guidelines
  • Adding rich snippets for your products will lead to quick indexing for the organic searches

All of this might look like a tedious job but keep in mind that all this will pay off well. Also, it is a one-time effort that you make when creating a new product page. Do not ignore the benefits of product page optimization. You will observe a huge jump in your store revenue once you start On-Page SEO.

Thank you Page

The Thank you page is as important as the Homepage. Visitors love the thank you page for the following reasons:

  • It feels like a personal greeting to them. Hence, doubling your chance of getting a repeat customer
  • It aids in tracking the customers’ journey in Facebook pixels and Google Analytics

Add Blogs

Researches show that the absence of a blog on e-commerce sites can be bad for the business. Blogs hook the audience back. That is one of the main differences between the successful e-commerce stores and the unsuccessful ones. The former keeping updating its site with blogs. These blogs can be about anything. From the latest trends to answering queries in depth. Visitors/followers then share them amongst their friends. Thus, making your site more popular.

Consistency in Off-Page SEO

Do not think of optimization of your e-commerce store as a one-time effort. It is an ongoing process. By taking care of your on-page SEO, your content in the form of blogs, and your page optimization, you are securing for your site good ranks. However, these optimization efforts won’t show results. And to manage that, you will have to be consistent in your off-page SEO content.

In case you are not familiar with it, off-page SEO is all that has to do with link building, marketing outreach, social marketing, paid marketing, and influencer marketing. Adding all these tactics to your list will help ensure that your e-commerce business is successful.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

More than half of website visitors end up abandoning their carts. This is not a good sign as e-commerce businesses run on online sales. A major cause for the visitors to do so is the sluggish website with pages taking ages to load. Taking care of your page loading time will solve this issue for you.

First, check if your landing pages load within 2-3 seconds. They should not take more than that. And if they take longer than that, then you should take measures to improve it. Some of the many things that you can do include showing the credit/debit card information on the first page, reducing the information fields that you require, and asking for PayPal payments whenever possible.

Adding Exit Popups

Improving sales is a rather tough job but adding exit popups can be of help. Consider putting promotional offers, sweepstakes, discounts, and freebies to attract more people. Such tactics increase engagement while decreasing the cart abandonment rate. 2-in-1.

I hope these tactics help you. When I started my telecom-staffing agency, I faced many issues. Being an entrepreneur, it was not easy for me to deal with all the hurdles. However, my passion encouraged me to learn, experiment, and break through the clutter. Though later I switched my profession. But here I am today; successful and happy.

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