Prostate Cancer Treatment

What are the best treatment options for prostate cancer?

This article is about prostate cancer treatments. It gives information about prostate cancer.

One of the most common types of cancer in males is prostate cancer. In the initial stage, cancer remains within the prostate gland and grows slowly. Later it may spread if left untreated. But prostate cancer is not always aggressive. They may need minimal treatment.

Only aggressive growth needs immediate medical treatment.


Symptoms Of Prostate Gland Cancer

Some of the major prostate gland symptoms in the advanced stage are:


  • Problem while urinating.
  • Less force of urine.
  • Blood in the semen.
  • Pain in the pelvic region or discomfort.
  • Erectile dysfunction


What Causes Prostate Cancer?


It is not clear why prostate gland cancer develops. Just like any other cancer, when the cells in the prostate gland region start to develop abnormally, it forms cancer. This abnormal growth of cells stays alive while the healthy cells die gradually. When the abnormal rate of cell growth breaks off, they can even spread to the other parts of the body.


What Are The Risk Factors Of Prostate Cancer?


There are some factors that can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. These are:


  • Aged men are more prone to prostate cancer than young men.
  • Family history of prostate gland cancer is one of the major reasons for this condition. So make sure you check your family history for any inherited disease.
  • Obesity is another factor that may increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Treatments of prostate cancer


The prostate cancer treatment options depend on the stage of cancer, the physical condition of the patient, age and severity of the problem. Some of the most common and effective treatment options for prostate cancer are:


Surgery- With the help of surgery, the doctor will remove the prostate gland and the surrounding tissues and the lymph nodes to stop the cancer growth and remove the abnormal cell growth. Surgery is performed by making a small incision in the abdomen through which the gland is removed. Another advanced method is to use the robotic surgery process. The robot-assisted surgical procedure is very fast, accurate and precise. Here is alist of the best cancer doctor in delhi


Hormone Therapy- This treatment option is done to stop the body from producing male hormones named testosterone. When the hormone supply is stopped, the cancer cells slowly start to die.


Chemotherapy- With the use of certain high-powered drugs the cancer cells are killed. This is known as chemotherapy. The drugs are generally administered intravenously.


Preventive Measures 


You can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by following simple, yet effective lifestyle habits such as:


  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet daily. Make sure you add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet and whole grains.
  • Doing yoga or other forms of workout daily is a great way to reduce the risk of different types of diseases including prostate cancer.
  • Maintain your weight as per your age and height. If you gain too much weight, be sure to shed it with a restricted diet and workout.


To clear any doubts regarding prostate diseases and their treatments, consult a doctor. Make sure that you find the best hospital to treat prostate cancer.

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